As we reach the end of term, it's a chance to reflect on what has been a dramatic year and certainly one like no other. I wanted to take the opportunity to say well done to all the children in Year 6, who have coped wonderfully in very difficult circumstances - you have all been amazing.
Here at St. Patrick's, the end of the school year is usually a whirl of activity for Year 6 and while this year has been very different to previous years, the children have been just as excited about the future and we are just as sad to see them leave.
I know, that as the children disperse and start their new High Schools in September, they will do so with mixed feelings, but I hope that they will have the courage and the confidence to tackle this next step, knowing that we are extremely proud of all they have achieved and how they have matured and grown.
Good luck 6Mc, you have been a fantastic class and I will miss you all.
Best Wishes for September
Miss McAteer
Spring Term
The Spring term has started in earnest. We celebrated a lovely mass as a school with Father John to celebrate Ash Wednesday. At the mass all the children were given a 'prayer stone' to decorate and use when they want to pray to God. This stone will be taken back to Church at the end of the term to be part of a wider display in Church, linked to Easter and the Community.
As this is also the season of Lent, school is fundraising for the charity Zoe's Place (see the link below) which supports children and their families at a very difficult time. In Y6 we have decided to link our fund raising to the story in Matthew's Gospel when Jesus was tempted in the desert for 40 days and nights. We have created a poster that we would like to fill with loose change over the coming weeks, with all the money being donated to Zoe's Place. As always, your help and support in this endeavour is really appreciated.
It was lovely to see so many parents for Parents Evening, I appreciate your time and I hope you were all pleased with the progress being made.
To celebrate 'World Book Day' the children gathered as a class to share their love of reading and their favourite books. If you get the chance, why not do the same at home and share your favourite book or books, giving your child the experience of different genre's and authors.
As always, if you have any further queries or questions, please contact the school office and I will try to return your calls promptly.
General Information
Children are asked to bring their reading book and diary to school on a daily basis as this will enable me to provide a comment to inform parents when children have taken part in Guided Reading sessions. Reading diaries are also to be used by the children to record what they have read and for parents/carers to provide feedback, or make comments, on the reading they have done with their child.
We will send spellings, English and Maths homework out every Friday to be returned to school the following Wednesday. Please encourage your children to complete their homework every week as well as reading each night (approx. 20-30mins). These are excellent habits to prepare children for high school and a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.
If your child is finding homework a challenge please come into school so we can discuss it together.
P.E. sessions will take place every Monday and FRIDAY, this term the children. Please ensure a full P.E. kit is brought to school and that items are clearly labelled. The children will be playing Tennis on Friday's with are brilliant coach Neil.
A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date.
Contact Details
If you have updated your phone, or recently moved, please update your contact details at the school office as soon as possible, this assists us greatly to keep our files up to date.
Thank you for all your support so far this year, it is greatly appreciated.
Miss R. McAteer
School Councillors
Our councillors have attended regular meetings, working with staff to promote more environmentally approaches and help with fund raising ideas.
School Councillors: Jake Taylor and Isla Murray
Eco- Councillors: Millie Murphy and Sophie Hawksworth.
They continue to do a brilliant job.
Come and See
At St. Patrick's we are very blessed to have such a wonderful parish priest in Fr. John. He often visits school and this term Year 6 wanted to repay the compliment. We went to church to speak to Fr. John about his Ordination as part of our Come and See Topic and ask him about his vocation and calling to the priesthood. As always, the children were full of questions and it was a lovely opportunity for us to celebrate and pray with Fr. John at Church.