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Year 3 Dance Festival at Christ the King


Year 3 Dance Champions


For the past 6 weeks, during curriculum time, children in Year 3 have been participating in Dance

Lessons in the school hall. Two professional choreographers from ‘Planet Dance Workshop’ were

delivering the sessions and taught both Mrs Blundell’s and Mrs Ginty’s classes a dance routine. This

was in preparation for the children participating in a Dance Festival held at Christ the King. Both

classes focused on different themes, with Mrs Blundell’s class performing a creative dance to Katy

Perry’s ’Dark Horse’ and Mrs Ginty’s class performing a street dance to Jennifer Lopez and FloRida’s

’Put Cha Hands Up’


On Friday 14th November, the children went to Christ the King to perform their dances to 3 other

local schools. The children had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed the warm up dance

session and learning a new dance routine.


We are delighted to announce that BOTH classes won the competition and received the ‘Best Dance’

trophy for their fantastic achievement!


Have a look at all the fun we had in our pictures below smiley

St Patricks St Maries