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Reception S

Faithfully following in the footsteps of Jesus,

we serve, love and learn together

inspiring each other to excellence. 


Welcome to Mrs Shirley's Class 


Hello and welcome to Reception S!


Class Email:


We are so excited to welcome both old and new faces to our St. Patrick's family and are looking forward to getting to know you and your children.


We have lots of exciting activities planned for the year ahead and you will not believe how your child grows and progresses throughout their first year at school. 


Our Early Years Curriculum is based on learning through exploration and play. We access a variety of different activities in Reception to support us with our learning.  


A typical day in Reception:

Our school day begins with Early Doors at 8.45am. Children are welcome to arrive anytime between 8.45am and 9am. 

After registration and prayers, we are ready to start our Phonics lesson. We start by singing the alphabet song and each day we learn a new letter or sound. Then we practise our reading and writing skills at our tables. After our whole class learning, we have snack time before we go out to play. We have a healthy snack each day except on Fridays when we have a treat. 


After playtime we take part in Maths activities, which can involve counting, singing, shape games, ICT, water play, sand play and measuring. We like to learn through fun, practical games and activities. Lunchtime begins at 11.30 am. Most of us have hot dinners and some children bring in a packed lunch.


At 12.25 pm we go back into class for our afternoon session. Each day we focus on different areas of the Early Years Curriculum. Our activities can be linked to our Religious Education topic, Show and Tell, Music, Knowledge & Understanding of the World or Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Circle Time Games). Our outdoor area is set up so that children can access activities both inside and out. We have a piece of fruit each afternoon as part of the free fruit scheme Healthy Schools Government initiative.


Each day we take part in Celebration of the Word and we enjoy learning about Jesus through our Religious Education topics. We say prayers each morning, before and after lunch and before home time.


Before we go home, we like to finish our day with a story and sing songs.


General Information 


The Reception newsletter is uploaded to this page each Monday evening and will contain information about our learning and how you can support your child at home. Please also check this page regularly for updates and photos. 



This term our P.E lessons will be on a Thursday morning. Please send your child to school in their full P.E kit. Children can wear wear plain navy leggings, joggers or shorts and trainers with a white t-shirt.  The children must have their school jumper or cardigan to wear.



Snack money is £1 per week or £6 per half term. 



Mrs Shirley - Class Teacher

Mrs Grant - PPA Cover (Wednesday)

Miss Mullan - Classroom Assistant



Please ensure all contact details are up to date at the office. 


Medical Conditions

If your child has any medical conditions we need to know about please inform us as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler or any other medication please ensure this is in school and in date. 



Please ensure that all uniform, book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name. 



Please see our Long and Medium Term Overviews below as well as the curriculum pages on the website for further information on what we are learning about in school.


Parental Involvement

 The Early Years curriculum is based on learning through play and exploration, There are a number of ways you can help your child to learn and make progress:

* Good attendance

* Home reading

* Point out numbers and letters in the environment

* Count at every opportunity

* Encourage your child to talk about the world around them.



Here at St. Patrick's, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Reading can be a special time for you and your child. Research has shown that reading for as little as 5 or 10 minutes each day can help support your child's educational development. We operate a Lending Library in school and your child with bring home a Library book each week. This is a story book for you to read to them and enjoy talking about your thoughts and ideas together. We begin our Phonics Scheme in the Autumn term and your child will also bring home a book each week for them to read to you to practise their phonics knowledge.  

Headteacher's Award

13th September 2024 Well done to our little superstar Evie for earning Headteacher's Award this week. She embodies our Mission Statement with her kind, caring and helpful nature.

20th September 2024 Well done to our superstar Leo! He has earned Headteacher's Award for his amazing behaviour. He is always impeccably behaved, polite and courteous.  

26th September 2024 Well done to our fabulous Carter for earning Headteacher’s Award this week for Reading. Carter is a little bookworm who absolutely loves listening to stories and looking at books. Well done - you’re a star!

4th October 2024 Well done to our fabulous Myla for earning Headteacher’s Award for one of our school values - helping others. Myla is so helpful and kind to all her friends and teachers - she is a shining star 🌟! 

9th October 2024 Well done to our outstanding Oscar for earning Headteacher’s Award for handwriting this week. He has been working so hard on writing his name and has made amazing progress! 

17th October 2024 Well done to our amazing Gabriel for earning Headteacher’s Award this week. This week we have been thinking about celebrating difference. Gabriel is so respectful of everyone’s different ideas and attitudes and knows that we are all special and unique. Well done Gabriel you are such a kind, fabulous boy! 

24th October 2024 Well done to all our children who earned Headteacher’s Award this week for 100% attendance! What an achievement! 

8th November 2024 Well done to our amazing Ellis for earning Headteacher’s Award for behaviour this week. Ellis is always impeccably behaved and has a fantastic attitude to his learning. Ellis you are a superstar!

15th November 2024 Well done to our fabulous Xanthe for earning Headteacher's Award for this week for Respect. Xanthe is so respectful to her friends always looking out for them and helping them. Well done you are amazing! 

22nd November 2024 Well done to our fantastic Alexander for earning Headteacher’s Award for friendship this week. Alexander is a great friend who is kind and caring and always shares and takes turns. Well done Alexander you are amazing! 

27th November 2024 Well done to our brilliant Eddie for earning Headteacher’s Award this week for Celebration of the Word. Eddie is always so reflective during our sessions and loves to share his ideas. 

6th December 2024 Well done to our superstar Alexander for earning Headteacher’s Award this week for progress! Alexander works so hard and has made fantastic progress since starting school in September. 

11th December 2024 Well done to our lovely Aibhlinn for earning Headteacher’s Award this week for serving others. Aibhlinn has such a kind heart, she is always thinking of how she can help her friends and teachers. Well done you little star 🌟! 

20th December 2024 Wow! Nine children have been in school every single day since half term and earned Headteacher’s Award for attendance this week. Well done to Myla, Charlie, Leo, Xanthe, Carter, Evie, Gabriel, Toby and Lily! 

13th January 2025 Well done to our amazing Aibhlinn for earning Headteacher’s Award for following our Mission Statement. Aibhlinn is always helping her friends and trying her very best with her learning. Well done Aibhlinn!

18th January 2025 Well done to our fabulous Emily for earning the Headteacher’s Award for courage this week. Emily confidently shared her weekend news with her classmates during circle time! Well done Emily!

24th January 2025 Well done to our amazing Lottie for earning Headteacher’s Award this week for serving others. Lottie is such a lovely friend always helping others and thinking of great ideas for games. Well done Lottie! 

Well done to our fantastic Flora for earning Headteacher’s Award for reading this week. Flora has been working so hard on her reading at school and at home and is making brilliant progress. Well done Flora you are amazing!

7th February 2025 Well done to our shining star Mimi for earning Headteacher’s Award for being a shining light on others. Mimi is always smiling and being helpful and kind to her friends and teachers. Well done Mimi you are amazing 🤩! 


Celebration of the Word with our buddies

Jubilee Launch Day, celebrating the theme of HOPE :)

Visiting our Worship Areas

Dance with Miss Katherine

Decorating Epiphany Biscuits

Santa Dash

Still image for this video

Christmas Jumper Day

Crazy Hair Day

Happy Half Term - Panto and Popcorn!


Meeting Father John and visiting St. Patrick's Church

Settling in and making friends

Celebration of the Word

Hello Yellow World Mental Health Day

St Patricks St Maries