Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Neesam's Class
Summer Term 2019
The land of the pharaohs is famous for its huge pyramids, its bandaged mummies and its golden treasures. But how much do you really know about Ancient Egypt?
Did you know?
Did you know that the ancient Egyptians worshipped hundreds of gods and goddesses? Or that they invented things like the calendar and glass blowing! Things that we still use each and every day.
Did you know that the Nile River is the reason that the ancient Egyptians developed their civilization? The surrounding areas of Egypt are desert and the Nile River brought water and rich soil that could be used to fertilize and grow crops.
The Summer Term 2 Creative History Overview below features how subjects connect through this topic making it fun and exciting to study.
Pupils are asked to bring their reading book and log to school each day as this will enable me to provide a comment to inform you when Guided Reading sessions have taken place. Please spend time with your child discussing the setting, characters and development of plot to further their understanding of the text. Children are encouraged to clearly note dates and pages read. Feedback from parents/carers is always greatly appreciated.
Homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned in the folder provided the following Friday. Weekly homework will include a Maths based activity to reinforce learning which has taken place during the week and a spelling activity. The children will be tested each Friday on the spelling words and they will be assessed each Monday on times table facts.
This half term, we have P.E. sessions each Monday and Tuesday and our current units of study are Games and Dance with specialist coaches. Please ensure full P.E. kit is brought into school and that items are clearly labelled.
Creative Curriculum Week- March 2019
We explored the effects of plastic pollution on our environment this week and have held interesting class debates. The story, 'The day the ocean went away' by Sam Haynes captured our interest immediately and we were saddened to learn that a huge amount of unwanted plastic is thrown away carelessly. This ends up in our rivers and oceans causing a problem to marine life. Scientists warn that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than sea life.
We have made a class pledge to use refillable bottles more frequently, to try and carry our goods in fabric rather than plastic bags and to generally recycle plastic with greater care.
In class, we created posters, wrote newspaper reports and a letter to our MP to raise awareness.
We had a great time marching together through the streets of Chester with our shields following a Roman Gladiator. We visited the Roman Gardens and the Amphitheatre where teachers fought for their lives using mighty nets and shields!
In the museum, we pretended to be archaeologists and studied Roman artefacts.
Enjoy looking through our photos.
We enjoyed an Enrichment Curriculum Day at Stanley High in November. Our learning supported our current Roman Topic and we had the opportunity to analyse sources in History and design and make a Roman shield in Art and Design.
We plan to use our shields on the playground to practice the 'Tortoise Formation' and follow the commands of Mrs Neesam when lining up. I wonder who will make the best Roman soldiers?
Sports Ambassadors at Stanley High led Games activities in the Sports Hall for us to enjoy during the afternoon. It was a great day.