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Yr6 RL

Welcome to Year 6L!

 Year 6 is a very important year so parents and pupils often have many questions, usually about SATs and high schools.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss anything. 

Miss Lowe


Contact Details

If there have been any changes, please update your contact details at the school office.


Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medication, please make sure it is in school and in date. 


Reading Records

Children must bring their reading book and record to school on a daily basis. Reading records are to be used by the children to record what they have read and for parents/carers to provide feedback, or make comments, on the reading they have done with their child.


Spellings and homework will be sent out every Friday. Homework is to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Please ensure your child completes their homework every week. This is in addition to reading each night. Spellings and homework play a key part in consolidating learning. Revising all of the times tables on a weekly basis will also help your child.



P.E. lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Swimming lessons will be at Marshside Swimming Pool on Wednesdays (until 13th November). Please ensure a full P.E./swim kit is in school on the relevant days.



Lessons will take place every Friday morning. Please ensure instruments are in school.


Autumn Term 2019

Stanley High School


The children will visit Stanley High School on Friday 20th September for an enrichment day. Please ensure they have a packed lunch in a disposable bag, pumps or trainers and a waterproof coat.


Macmillan Cake Sale


There will be a cake sale on Thursday 26th September. Cakes will be 20p each. Any cake donations will be gratefully received on Wednesday or Thursday.


Christ the King High School


The children will visit Christ the King High School on Tuesday 1st October for an enrichment day. Please ensure they have a packed lunch in a disposable bag, pumps or trainers and a waterproof coat.


Come and See Assembly


On Thursday 3rd October at 9.10am the children in Year 6 will introduce their buddies from Reception. The theme of the assembly is 'Family'.


Parents' Evening


Parents' Evenings will be held on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October.

Eco Council, School Council and House Captains

Science - curcuits

Dodgeball and Gymnastics

                             Spring Term 2020
St Patricks St Maries