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Reception P

Welcome to RP! 

Our Class

Welcome back!

Welcome back to the final half term of Reception! I'm excited to continue our journey of fun and learning together this year. Below, you'll find more details about our curriculum planning, as well as photos and updates about our learning activities. These resources will be updated regularly, so please take a moment to explore them and see how your child is progressing in Reception.


I am looking forward to another amazing half term filled with fun and enjoyment. We have many exciting things planned and we cannot wait to get started.


Miss Jessup

Friendly Reminder:

As we transition into the Summer Term, here are a couple of important reminders:


  • Snack payment for this term is £6 for the half term or £1 per week if preferred.

  • Please note that our PE days have changed to Monday and Wednesday.

     Kindly ensure your child comes prepared in PE kit for both of these days.


Weekly Reminders:


  • Practise writing words in your phonics book?

  • Maths worksheet
  • Please practise reading these at home at least three times during the week.
  • Practise reading at home using you child's ebook and physical book, please record this in their reading record.

Other Reminders:

  • Please send your child's reading book and reading record every Monday and Friday so we can read with your child at school. 
  • Please return library books every Monday, in order to get a new one.
  • Please send phonics books each Monday so that we can add the new sounds for the following week.
  • Snack Money- £6 until half term or £1 a week.

Each week, a child will be chosen for a Headteacher's Award from Mrs Halsall.


  • Children can achieve this by demonstrating the expectations that Mrs Halsall has set for that week and by following our class charter.
  • Miss Jessup and Miss Hewitt will choose someone who we think has demonstrated these expectations and deserves to receive the award.

Phonics Bug Demo

Still image for this video

General Information


    Class Teddy

    This is our class teddy, Stevie!

    • Stevie will go home with 1 child each Friday and be returned to school on Monday.

    • Every child will take Stevie home at some point in the year.

    • Stevie has a diary to document all the adventures with your child, this is one page per child.

    • This is something fun for you and your child to complete together so please enjoy it.

    • All information about the diary is on the inside cover and an example is on the first page.




    If you have any questions about Stevie, please speak to Miss Jessup or Miss Hewitt.


    Our Classroom Staff

    • Class Teacher: Miss Jessup
    • Class TA: Miss Hewitt
    • PPA Cover Teacher (Thursday and Friday Afternoon): Mrs Grant


    Contact Details

    Just a quick reminder to please let us know if your contact details have changed. It is especially important that we have the correct emergency contact details.


    Medical needs

    If your child’s medical needs change throughout the year, please let us know as soon as possible. All medication needs to be signed into and out of school.


    Contacting Miss Jessup

    If you need to contact me, please use our class email address and I will do my best to answer your questions.


    Class Email:



    This term our P.E. lessons will be on a Monday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school in their full P.E. kit. Children can wear plain navy leggings, joggers or shorts, and trainers with a white T-shirt.  The children must have their school jumper or cardigan to wear.



    Here at St. Patrick's, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Reading can be a special time for you and your child. Research has shown that reading for as little as 5 or 10 minutes each day can help support your child's educational development. We have a Lending Library located outside Mrs Shirley's classroom door for children and parents to borrow books to share at home and then return.



    Just a small reminder to all parents if you could please label all jumpers, cardigans, water bottles, lunch boxes, and bookbags with name and class, this would be incredibly helpful. 



    During morning snack time, free fruit/veg and milk is available for all Reception children. During afternoon snack time, all children have the option of our healthy school snack scheme which is provided by the school for just £1 per week or £6 per half term.  

    Please also send your child with a water bottle each day so they have plenty to drink. 



    Our children are expected to complete 1 piece of homework per week. This will be set every Monday and explained in the newsletter. This is a practical way in which you can support your child's learning at home. Sometimes we may send home an activity sheet for you to complete.


    These activities can be returned to school at any time before the following Monday.


    Learning in Action 

    Our First Week

    The Gruffalo

    Our Trip to Church

    Black History Month- Exploring Serena Williams, Rosa Parks and Bessie Coleman

    Remembrance Day: The children painted Poppies and created Medals for the Soilders

    Christmas Time in RP

    Music in RP: We explored using the Glockenspiels

    French Afternoon 🇫🇷

    PE Medal from PDS

    Olympic Week

    Recommended Reads

    Long Term Overview

    Please see our Curriculum Pages for additional information about our children's learning.

    St Patricks St Maries