Home Page

Year 3B

Welcome to Year 3B!   


smileyHello and a very BIG welcome to Year 3B's homepagesmiley


I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and the children feel refreshed and ready to take on the new exciting challenges that they will face in Year 3.

General Information


Reading books

Children will be given an opportunity to change their reading books once they have completed their book and it has been signed. The children will place their books in the basket provided and their book will be changed on the same day (when possible).
During and after completion of the book, please spend time discussing the plot, characters, layout, new knowledge gained etc., as analysis of the text becomes increasingly important in the Juniors. I do ask that the children bring their books into school on a daily basis as this will enable me to write a comment in their Reading Diary when they have read in a small group or individually to me or another adult.


All homework will be given on Monday night and will be collected in on the Friday of the same week. This will allow your child to have a well earned rest over the weekend
All homework should be done neatly and in pencil. Help may be given, but your child must record the work themselves. If you have supported your child with their homework, I would appreciate it if you could star * each question you have helped them with.

A homework page will be provided on our class web page and the homework will be placed in the folder on the Monday for the children to complete. The children will be able to access the homework and this can be completed in their homework books. The worksheet does not need to be printed out unless you wish to do so.



P.E lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Friday. Your child is required to have their full P.E kit in class during term time and they will be sent home during half term for washing. Please can you ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled.

Many thanks for your co-operation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. smiley

St Patricks St Maries