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Geography and Computing Club 2023

Week Four Photos

Week Four - Exploring Digital Maps

Today, we used either Google, Google Maps or Google Earth to search for the seven wonders of the world - both the ancient and the modern ones. Next, we searched for places in Southport which we thought could make up

The Seven Wonders of Southport!

Here is the list we decided on:

1) Southport Pier

2) St Patrick's School and Church

3) The Atkinson Theatre

4) Southport Market

5) Marine Lake

6) Botanic Gardens

7) Ocean Plaza

Weeks Two and Three Photos

Weeks Two and Three - Taking Photos of physical and human features around our school grounds, then editing pictures in Microsoft Word.


Over these two weeks, Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed working in pairs or groups of three to take photos around the Key Stage 2 playground on the iPads.


We then learnt how to change the size of images efficiently, wrap them around text, choose a border, change the colour and style of the border, as well as adding effects like a shadow or even changing the style to black and white/artistic as examples. Here are the documents each group saved, we hope that you enjoy looking through these!

Week One Photos

Week One - Working together to create a map of our school.


Today, we started by talking about maps and looking at a map of the UK. We then zoomed in to our school and discussed how this is an aerial view. Next, we had a little tour around Key Stage 2, to look at the details within rooms and the shapes of the places etc. Finally, we worked in pairs or threes to complete a map of a room within Key Stage 2 of our school before putting them all together to complete one large map.

St Patricks St Maries