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Yr1 KS

Welcome to 1C



Welcome back after the break. We hope you have all enjoyed a relaxing time with your family and friends. 

To start our busy spring term off, the children will be learning about Traditional Tales in their English lessons. This will include retelling, sequencing and writing their own stories. We will be working on our writing skills, such as capital letters, punctuation and the use of adjectives. We will begin with Jack and the Beanstalk before moving on to other well known tales. Castles will be the History focus for this half term. The children will learn about the different features of castles and will be given the opportunity to design and makes their own moving cannon. 



Reading Books


The children will continue to be given 3 reading books at a time. Please try to read each day with your child, even if it is only a couple of pages, and note this down in their reading record, along with any comments you wish to add. The children all now have a specific day of the week when their books will be changed, if they have been completed and their reading record is signed. During and after completion of the book, please spend time discussing the setting, characters and key words from the story to further your child's understanding of the text. Each child now has a 'Tricky Word' bookmark at home containing a list of words which are not phonetically plausible. Please could you support your child to read through these words regularly. 

Children are asked to bring their books into school on a daily basis as this will enable us to write a comment in their Reading Diary when they have taken part in either Guided or Individual reading.




Every Monday we will be sending home a list of spellings for the children to learn. These spellings will link to their phonic work so please practise at home to re-enforce their learning. The children will then be tested on these spellings on the following Monday.




Our class have P.E. on a Tuesday and Friday each week. Please ensure your child has their full, named P.E. kit in school on these days. 




Please ensure that all items of school uniform, especially school cardigans and jumpers are named so that if they are left behind, we can return them to the correct owners. 





Our healthy snack scheme will continue this half term. If your child is taking part in the scheme please ensure that you send in their money every Monday, or at the beginning of each half term/term.














Year 1 Creative Overview - Castles

Year 1 Creative Overview-Hot and Cold.

Year 1 Creative Overview - Toys

Year 1 Maths Overview

Our time in Year 1 so far...

St Patricks St Maries