Welcome to 1W’s Class Page
Welcome back to the summer term! We are looking forward to settling the children back after the Easter break. Our learning this term will be on Great Explorers. This half term will have a History focus and the children will learn about different types of explorers, including Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. They will learn about their voyages, including the different modes of transport they used, and their achievements. The children’s learning will then move to a Geography focus, wherein they will find out about our locality, including physical and human features. We will be exploring simple map work and the children will be drawing their own maps.
Book bags should only be brought into school on Mondays and Thursdays to allow for the exchange of reading books. No other bags or belongings are required in school. This helps us to keeps items transitioning between home and school to a minimum.
Every Monday, your child will bring a reading book home. This book will be wiped down before being put into your child's book bag. This reading book must be kept at home and returned back to school on Thursday. This gives some time for your child to read with you and ideally finish their book. Returned books will go into quarantine for 72 hours to ensure they are safe to be placed back into our school library on the following Monday. We will not be changing books on any other days during the week. Your child will also bring a Reading Record book home. This may be returned to school on Mondays and Thursdays to communicate about your child's reading at home. In the current situation, this Reading Record is only for use at home. Your child will continue to read from separate reading books whilst in school.
School Uniform and Water Bottles
Please remember to clearly label all jumpers and cardigans so we can return them to the correct owner at the end of each school day. To ensure the safety of your child, and other children, no jewellery should be worn for school. However, a small pair of stud earrings is permitted, but these should be removed before school on PE days. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school each day, particularly as we hope this term will see the arrival of warmer weather. Your child's bottle should contain only water.
Homework will be set online via the VLE every Monday at 4.30pm. This term, the children’s homework will take the form of a list of spellings which should be practised at home each day. The children will then all take part in a short spelling quiz the following Monday in class.
Medical Conditions
If your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it is in school, and is not out of date.
Thank you so much for the prompt payments. It is very much appreciated. For those who have not yet paid, the cost for the snack scheme for the spring term was £3 to reflect the dates of the lockdown. For the summer term, it is £1 per week or £6 for each half term. When sending snack money into school, please ensure that it is clearly named so we can keep a track of payments received. Many thanks.
The children receive a fruit snack in the morning break, and in the afternoon we provide a variety of healthy snacks throughout the week and a treat on Friday. If you have chosen not to participate in the snack scheme and wish to provide a snack from home instead, please ensure that it is a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar. A small, treat snack is allowed on Fridays.
This half term, P.E. sessions will take place each Wednesday. Children are asked to come into school wearing their P.E. clothes with a school jumper or cardigan and appropriate footwear.
Many thanks for all your support
Mrs Williams
Maths - Doubling
In class, we are currently working within our Multiplication and Division unit of work. Today's Maths lesson was all about doubling. The children were fantastic at writing their addition number sentences and working out doubles. We discussed how the answers were even numbers and multiples of two.
Creating Nature Sculptures using Clay
In class, the children discussed different types of sculptures and the common materials used in sculptures. The children explored using different techniques to create their own nature sculpture, including rolling, creating holes and hollows, pinching, pulling, scratching, smoothing and adding pieces for detail.
Our Visit to Church
We enjoyed a lovely walk to church this afternoon. It was a joy to listen to Father John singing for us, and playing his guitar. We looked at the beautiful crosses in church which the children from St Patrick's had made.
This afternoon, we took advantage of the gorgeous weather and decided to set our butterflies free. The children have loved caring for our caterpillars in class and watching their life cycle as they turn into butterflies. Beautiful butterflies, amazing children and glorious weather - what a super afternoon!
Come and See
Our current Come and See topic is Waiting. To begin the topic, the children identified events that they are waiting for. Our learning then moved on to Advent and the symbol of the Advent wreath. The children learnt about the different coloured candles which each represents one week of waiting for the birthday of Jesus. In class, we wrote an Advent prayer to help us as we wait.
In class, the children are now working on numbers up to 20. They have been busy recognising and representing numbers in different ways. To begin the week, the children used objects from around the classroom to represent numbers up to 20 and by the end of the week they were using Maths equipment. What a super group of learners!
Anti-Bullying Week
We celebrated Anti-Bullying Week in class this week. The theme this year was 'United Against Bullying'. We talked about the term bullying and what this means. We discussed what we should do if we feel we are being bullied and what we could do if we felt that some else was being bullied. The children thought of lots of thoughtful, fantastic ways that we can be united against bullying to ensure we are a happy class family. They wrote their ideas on their handprint and we created a United Against Bullying wreath. Friday was Odd Socks Day. The children enjoyed listening to Andy and the Odd Socks and we all had a great time decorating odd socks!
We have enjoyed some lovely Art lessons in class this week. The children had a fantastic time learning about the work of the famous artist, Piet Mondrian. The children did a super job recreating one of his famous pieces using the primary colours, and black and white. The children then took part in a lesson on colour mixing. They created secondary colours from mixing red, yellow and blue. It was a treat to watch the children having such a wonderful time!
Puppet Making!
What a busy week and a lovely end to the half term! The children spent their afternoons sewing hand puppets. Firstly, they planned and designed them. Then, they sewed and decorated them independently, and evaluated them. It was a real joy to watch the children express their creativity and I was so impressed with their sewing skills. The puppets are now being stored safely and the children are looking forward to taking them home soon.
Hello Yellow!
We had a lovely morning celebrating our Hello Yellow Day! We talked about what makes us happy, and how we can help others to have a happy heart. We listened to songs and created our own superheroes with superpowers. I was even treated to some beautiful yellow roses from one of the children in my class of amazing children!
Come and See
In our recent Come and See topic, Families, we have been discussing why we have a family, who is in our family and how every family is different. The children role-played different ways that love and care can be shown in a family, and we also explored the different ways God can show his love for families.
The children have been grouping and sorting objects according to different criteria; colour, shape, size and gender. They have also been representing numbers different ways and they created a super number museum!