On Safer Internet Day we learnt about the importance of staying safe online and not sharing personal information. We learnt that our passwords are like toothbrushes and should not be shared and should be changed regularly!
This week we have been learning all about Mental Health and ways which we can keep our mind and heart happy. We have thought about different activities we can do which make us feel good. Our favourite ones are spending time outdoors, going on our bikes or scooters and listening or dancing to our favourite music. On Tuesday we thought about ways we can manage our feelings. We used flour, rice and balloons to make our own stress balls. We listened to the story of the Hungry Caterpillar and discussed the ways we have changed and the skills we have developed. We decorated butterflies with things we have learnt to do in the first stage of our lives such as learning how to walk, riding a bike, learning our two times tables and learning how to swim. On Wednesday we listened to the song ‘Reach for the Stars’ and created our own emotional growth goals. Yesterday we planted our own seeds. We discussed how just like a plant, everyone grows at different times. Sometimes we don’t notice something is growing but it is. We can’t always see growth immediately but in the end it will happen.
We created our very own ‘Support balloons.’ We discussed the people in our lives who are there for us when things can get tough and who help us to grow.
In the last week of the half term we explored the story Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. The children loved listening to the story and thought about the advice they would give to the characters when they fell out, using their own friendships to help. We wrote wanted posters for the Duck, designed him a new home and wrote letters to apologise. We finished the week exploring pumpkins in our Fine Motor Friday activities.
Year 2
Mrs Bedwell's Class
Welcome to Year 2B!
It has been a pleasure having the children back in school. They have settled well into Year 2 and are becoming more familiar with the change in routines. Our first few weeks are focussed on ensuring the children are happy, safe and ready to learn. We are looking forward to a busy and happy year.
Our first topic in the Autumn Term is Amazing Africa!
General Information
Contact Details
If you have updated your phone, or recently moved, please update your contact details at the school office as soon as possible, this assists us greatly to keep our files up to date.
Medical Conditions
A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date.
We will have P.E. on a Monday afternoon this half term. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their P.E. kit on Monday each week. Children should wear their P.E. kit with black pumps or trainers and their school jumper/cardigan over the top. Assuming the weather is good we will do our PE lessons outside.
The children will receive two reading books every Monday. Please try to read each day with your child, even if it is only a couple of pages, and note this down in their Reading Record, along with any comments you wish to add. When supporting your child’s reading, please spend time discussing the setting, characters and key words from the story to further their understanding of the text. We will change your child’s reading books the following Monday, if you have noted down that both books are completed.
Please try to send your child’s book bag into school each day if you can, as this will enable us to note in their Reading Record when they have read with a member of our Year 2 team.
Jumpers, Cardigans and Water Bottles
Please remember to clearly label all jumpers and cardigans and ensure your child brings a bottle of water to school each day.
The children are welcome to bring a snack to school for morning and afternoon break. Please ensure that these snacks are healthy! The children are provided with fruit for morning break and those who take part in the school snack scheme will also receive a healthy snack in the afternoon. The school snack scheme is £6 for the half term or £1 each week.
We are really looking forward to an exciting term in Year 2.
Mrs Bedwell 😊