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Reception G

Mrs Grant's Class

Hello and welcome to Reception.

Our Early Years Curriculum is based on learning through exploration and play. We access a variety of different activities in Reception to support us with our learning. 


A typical day in Reception:

Our school day begins with Early Doors at 8.45am. Children are welcome to arrive anytime between 8.45am and 9am. 

After registration and prayers, we are ready to start our Phonics lesson. We start by singing the alphabet song and each day we learn a letter or sound. Then we practise our reading and writing skills at our tables. After our whole class learning, we go out to play and then return to class to have a piece of fruit as part of the free fruit scheme Healthy Schools Government initiative. 

After playtime we take part in Maths activities, which can involve counting, singing, shape games, ICT, water play, sand play and measuring. We like to learn through fun practical games and activities. Lunchtime begins at 11.35am. Most of us have hot dinners and some children bring in a packed lunch. 

At 12.35pm we go back into class for our afternoon session. Each day we focus on different areas of the early years curriculum. Our activities can be linked to our Come and See topic, Show and Tell , Music, Understanding of the World or Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Circle Time Games). Our outdoor area is set up so that children can access activities both inside and out. We have a healthy snack each afternoon except on Friday's when we have a treat.

Each day we take part in Collective Worship and we enjoy learning about Jesus through our Come and See topics. We say prayers each morning before and after lunch and before home time. 

Before we go home, we like to finish our day with a story and sing songs. 


General Information


This term our PE lessons will be on a Friday afternoon. Please send your child to school in their full PE kit. Children can wear plain navy leggings, joggers or shorts and black plimsolls or trainers with a white t-shirt. The children must have their school jumper or cardigan to wear.



Snack money is £1 per week or £6 per half term. 


Parental Involvement

The early years curriculum is based on learning through play and exploration. There are a number of ways you can help your child to learn and make progress. 

* Good attendance

* Home reading

* Point out numbers and letters in the environment

* Count at every opportunity

* Encourage your child to talk about the world around them



Here at St. Patrick's, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Reading can be a special time for you and your child. Research has shown that reading for as little as 5 or 10 minutes each day can help support your child's educational development. 


Phonics Information Meeting

Phonics Bug Demo

Still image for this video

Making friends and settling into school!

As part of our Come and See topic, 'Welcome' we learned about how we welcome a baby into God's family. We had lots of fun in class acting out our own Baptism.

Remembrance Day: As part of our learning about Remembrance Day we decorated biscuits to look like poppies with our buddies from Year 6 before eating them together at snack time.

Diwali - The children had lots of fun celebrating Diwali during a special Come and See week dedicated to Hinduism. They had lots of fun making their own Diwa lamps from playdough and gems.

Advent: We have enjoyed discussing Advent in class and how we get ready for Christmas during December. We had lots of fun decorating our class tree together whilst listening to some Christmas carols.

Music: We have lots of fun in our Music lessons! We sing in a group working on our pitch and melody and like to use the musical instruments to express our feelings.

Making our melting snowman biscuits was lots of fun today!

We had lots of fun doing ballet with Miss Jennifer from DBA School of Dance today. We learned how to do first position with our feet and hands and we loved being toys who came to life during the class.

Marathon Challenge 2023! We had lots of fun completing a one mile run with our buddies from Year 6 today! We have completed 3 miles so far out of our 26.2 miles.

Chinese New Year. The year of the rabbit! We celebrated the end of Chinese New Year with some chinese food and had lots of fun trying to eat with chopsticks!

Shrove Tuesday: We were very excited to have pancakes for our snack. As part of our learning about money we had to count our 1p coins and find a pancake that we had enough money to buy. We counted out our pennies and some of us had change left over! We had lots of fun choosing which toppings we would like on our pancakes!

World Book Day 2023! We had lots of fun today sharing stories with our buddies, dressing up as our favourite book character and taking in part in story based activities including cosmic yoga 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt'

We are enjoying our lessons in Computing. Today we used 2SimplePaint to draw our very own hungry caterpillars before accessing 2SimpleCity. We are developing our control of the mouse and we know how to click on different icons.

We are developing our skills in throwing, catching and rolling. We had lots of fun using balls, hoops and cones to do this!

Imagine That! We had so much fun exploring and playing at Imagine That! We made snow and slime before painting our own magnets. Some of us enjoyed dressing up. Others liked trying to put themselves inside a giant bubble!

We had lots of fun celebrating King Charles III Coronation today! We enjoyed sitting with our buddies for our Coronation picnic and taking part in our crown parade.

Today we completed our Marathon Challenge! We finished our last mile together. We have had so much fun completing our 26.2 miles over the last 16 weeks. We enjoyed receiving our medals and celebrating our success! Well done everybody! A super effort!

Long Term Overview

St Patricks St Maries