Welcome to 1S
Welcome to Summer term 2 in class 1S!
News: Don’t forget to read the weekly newsletters for regular school updates. Also if you want your child to take part in the multi skills after school club then please complete the form and return to Mrs Hosker when we return to school in June.
During the first week of this half-term, children will be taking part in the Phonics Screening test. Adults in school will be helping your child to use their phonics knowledge to help to decode both real words which make sense and pseudo words which don’t make sense. This half-term in English we will be learning about stories from other countries. Our focus book is 'Handa’s Surprise’ and this was written by Eileen Browne. We will continue to use our phonics knowledge to support us with our writing skills. In maths, we will be learning about position and direction, place value within 100, money and time.
We will also be learning about ‘Our Country’ in Geography. In Science, we will continue our learning about seasonal changes as we progress through the seasons. Children will also continue as they learn about plants which include learning about how plants grow. Remember to water your sunflower seed and watch it grow. In Design and Technology, we are learning about healthy food options and we will be making fruit kebabs in school. In computing, children will explore their learning about coding as we explore directions and setting instructions. Our physical education lessons will now take place every Wednesday and Friday. Our lessons this term will focus on team building activities and invasion sport. Both lessons will focus on children developing their range of physical skills as well their ability to work together, building their emotional skills. As part of our Religious Studies, we will continue our learning on the topic Being Sorry, then we will learn about Hinduism and finally focus our learning through our topic about Neighbours.
Medical Conditions
If your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date.
Two reading books will be sent home each Monday. Every week, an online reading book will be allocated on Active Learn. Please send your children’s Reading Record book into school each day. Phonics: Please continue to read with your child, helping them to spot any digraphs, trigraphs and split-digraphs as they develop their skills in become confident readers. Talk to your child about what they have read, helping them to discuss the content of the stories they read.
Children will be set spelling homework via Purple Mash. The children's login for this can be found in the front of their blue reading record. The spellings will be practised in class each Friday before they are set on Purple Mash. They will then be tested on these the following Friday. Please let me know if you have any issues accessing the website.
Jumpers, Cardigans and Water Bottles
Please remember to clearly label all jumpers and cardigans and ensure your child brings a water bottle to school each day.
Please remember that £6 is due at the beginning of every half term to pay for your child's snack. Children receive a fruit snack in the morning break and in the afternoon, we provide a variety of healthy snacks throughout the week and a treat on Friday.
If you have chosen not to participate in the snack scheme and wish to provide a snack instead please ensure that it is a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar.
Please continue to read at least three times a week with your child at home.
This Summer half term, P.E. sessions will take place each Wednesday and Friday. Children should continue to come into school wearing their P.E. clothes with a school jumper or cardigan and appropriate footwear as one lesson will be delivered outdoors every week.