We have great fun in Reception and there are lots of different activities to help us with our learning. Our day begins with Early Doors at 8.45am: children are welcome to arrive anytime between 8.45am and 8.55am. Then we are ready to learn our Letters and Sounds. Each day we learn a new letter or sound. After this we have some time to choose our own activities or we work with an adult. At this time we also set up our outdoor area activities so that we can play inside or out, hail, rain or snow! Before playtime we sit down for snack and milk. We have a healthy snack each day except on Friday's when we have a treat.
After playtime we take part in Maths activities, which can involve counting, singing, shape games, ICT, water play, sand play and lots of measuring. We like to learn through fun, practical games and activities. Lunchtime starts at 11.45am. For the Autumn term we go into the hall fifteen minutes before the other children so we can get settled. Most of us have hot dinners and some children bring in a packed lunch.
At 1pm we go back into class for the afternoon session. Each day we do different things. Sometimes it's linked to our Come and See topic, sometimes it's P.E. or Show and Tell or Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Circle Time Games). We have a piece of fruit each afternoon as part of the free fruit scheme Healthy Schools Government initiative.
Each day we take part in Collective Worship and enjoy learning about Jesus through our Come and See topic. We say prayers in the morning, before and after lunch and before hometime.
Before hometime, we like to finish our day with a story or song and then we are ready to go home at 3.20pm.
Welcome back!
We hope you had a lovely Easter holidays and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We are looking forward to lots of fun, exciting activities this term including Sports Day, Fun Day and our class assembly on Friday 12th July. We are thrilled to have Mrs Murphy teaching us Music and Naomi from the Beth Tweddle Academy as our gymnastics coach.
Bye Bye Butterflies
We have watched our tiny caterpillars grow into magnificent butterflies over the last few weeks and now it was time to set them free and release them into the wild. We all got a chance to hold one of the butterflies before they fluttered off to make a new life.
Imagine That!
We had a wonderful time at Imagine That! We watched a fantastic science show, made slime, bath bombs and painted a fridge magnet. We also found time to have lots of fun playing in the various role play areas.
Chinese New Year
We enjoyed a Chinese feast in celebration of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Pig! We tried noodles, spring rolls and prawn crackers as we listened to traditional Chinese music and a Chinese Fairytale.
Visiting St Patrick's Church
Last week we went on a treasure hunt at St Patrick's Church. We loved finding and talking about the different features we could see. The children liked the stained glass windows and could tell their teachers who Jesus was. We all stopped to make the sign of the cross and together we said one of our class prayers. We have also been working hard on learning the Our Father and Hail Mary in class.
Settling In
We have had a fantastic first couple of weeks settling in to Reception. The children have been making friends and building relationships with each other and their teachers. We have had lots of fun taking part in practical activities including counting games, phonic songs, and outdoor play. We are so proud of the amazing start our children have made at St Patrick's School and we are looking forward to seeing the progress they will make over the coming year.