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Year 6H

Welcome to Year 6H!


We are now in the final term of the year and have lots of exciting things planned.

I am delighted with how the children have returned to school after the Easter break and have settled straight back to work. Well done!

We thoroughly enjoyed learning all about Europe last term and had a wonderful time on our Italian day. The selection of outfits worn by the children was incredible, with some very authentic choices. Throughout the day the children were designing and making their own pizzas and pizza boxes. I am sure that the pizzas were delicious. We definitely have some budding chefs in our midst! Take a look at some of the photographs from the day, below.

Our new topic for Creative Learning is Britain since 1948. It would be fantastic if children could bring in any artefacts from home to share. Maybe Nans and Grandads may have things we could borrow to bring our learning to life. We will take great care of anything brought into school.

We are looking forward to working on our end of year production, later this term. More news to follow on this exciting project!


We will continue to send spellings, Literacy and Numeracy homework out every Monday to be returned to school the following Monday. Please encourage your children to complete their homework every week as well as reading each night. These are excellent habits to prepare children for high school and a key part in consolidating their learning.

If your child is finding homework a challenge please come into school so we can discuss it together.

Many thanks for the wonderful response to the children's last research homework for our Literacy topic on Non-Chronological Reports. The level of detail in many children's research was terrific. Well done children!


We will have P.E. on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure your child has their P.E kit in school at all times.

Come and See - 

We have been very busy exploring our Come and See topic - 'Witnesses'. This has provided the children with the opportunity to reflect on the work of Jesus and his disciples and the incredible work carried out by many people today.

Mamma Mia! Italian Day 2014

St Patricks St Maries