29th April 2022
Consultation on proposed changes to
St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
with effect from 1 January 2023
The Governing Body of St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School wishes to advise you of their intention to alter the lower age limit of the school to create a Foundation 1 class from 1 January 2023. This action will be taken under the guidance from the Department for Education to accompany the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 and (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013 which came into force on 28 January 2014 and permit Governing Bodies of all categories of mainstream school to make certain changes to their schools without following a formal statutory process.
All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours per week of free Early Years Foundation Stage education from the beginning of the school term following their third birthday until compulsory school age. This free entitlement can be taken in a maintained school nursery, a ‘foundation stage’ class and/or in an Ofsted registered private and voluntary sector setting. It is parental choice as to which type of provision is most appropriate for their child.
Specific Proposals
The proposed Foundation 1 (nursery) provision is for 25 places (full time equivalent) with children admitted the term after their third birthday. The age range of the school will therefore become 3 – 11 from 1 January 2023.
The Governing Body has identified suitable accommodation through the remodelling and reorganisation of St Patrick’s Parish Club, situated between the School and Church buildings, to create a space that meets the government’s school accommodation guidance regarding the size and physical provision for a 25 place nursery/Foundation 1 class.
The school’s reception class admission number of 25 per class will not be changed as a result of this proposal.
How to Respond
The Governing Body of St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School want to ensure that parents and any other interested parties have sufficient opportunity to give their views. You are invited to submit comments in writing about the proposal above to: The Chair of Governors, St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, Radnor Drive, Southport, PR9 9RR.
Alternatively, you may wish to e-mail: F.A.O. The Chair of Governors, admin@stpatricks.sefton.org.uk
Please submit any comments by Friday 27th May 2022. The Governing Body will meet following the conclusion of this process to consider the formal ratification of the change.
A Message from the Governors:
The Governor’s are delighted to announce that, after a rigorous interview process, we have appointed Mrs Rachel Halsall as our Head teacher at St Patrick’s School. Having taken over the reins of leadership as acting Head in the summer from Mr Gary Bevin, who has led us so brilliantly for many years, Mrs Halsall has been outstanding, supported by our tremendous staff. We look forward to the future development of our School with great confidence under the leadership of Mrs Halsall.
Kind regards,
Tom O'Malley (Chair of Governors)
3rd September 2021
Dear Parents,
It has been wonderful to have our children back in school this week and we look forward to all our Reception children starting on Monday.
Please see below for a letter from Sefton Council and information from the NHS.
Have a lovely weekend.
25th August 2021
Dear Parents,
Please see below for information regarding school organisation in September 2021.
A Message from The Governors
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Bevin for his wonderful contribution to St Patrick's School over the last 15 years.
As St Patrick's longest - serving Headteacher, he has played a crucial role in the continuous improvement and development of our excellent school - including 2 extremely successful OFSTED inspections and the accolade of being the top performing primary school in Sefton for 3 out of the last 5 years.
As Mr. Bevin explained in his letter in November 2020, he is taking up a new post as one of Her Majesty's Inspectors (HMI) with OFSTED. We would like to wish him all the best in his new role.
We are delighted that the current Deputy Headteacher, Mrs. Halsall, will be taking on the role of Acting Headteacher from September 2021 and would like to congratulate her and wish her every success with her position.
And a message from Father John...
"As a Foundation Governor and Parish Priest of St Marie's and St Patrick's, I echo the gratitude of the Governors to Mr. Bevin for his remarkable leadership of our wonderful School! I am also grateful that we have such an able leader in Mrs. Halsall to take on the important role of Acting Headteacher and guide us through the months ahead.
I wish you all a refreshing and safe summer holiday.
May Our Risen Lord Jesus shower you all with His love!
Take Care and Shalom!"
Dear Parents,
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday, we are now approaching the final stage of the lockdown roadmap. As you will be aware, many restrictions are being lifted as of 19th July.
We have now had confirmation from Public Health and Sefton Council that despite Gavin Williamson’s announcement that bubbles can end on July 19th, schools in Sefton should continue adhering to their current risk assessments and keep children in bubbles for the duration of the summer term.
This is reassuring for everyone, in light of the high number of cases both locally and nationally. Risk assessments will be reviewed ahead of the autumn term and any reorganisation of routines and protocol will follow, accordingly.
Many thanks for your ongoing support with the safety measures in place. Attendance figures have remained very high throughout the term and we are delighted that children have been able to enjoy stability within school, after the disruption they have faced.
Journey In Faith
Fr John will be leading the R.C.I.A. (Rite for Christian Initiation of Adults) - journey in faith process starting in September, through which people who are not part of the Catholic Church are invited to find out more about it. If you or anyone you know would like to find out more then please contact Fr John on 531229 or stpatricks.southport@rcaolp.co.uk
Dear Parents
Last week, we learned that one of our former pupils, Semina, who only left our school last summer, was very unwell. Her Mum, Rachel, has informed us that she has passed away on Saturday. It is absolutely devastating news for all of us.
We all remember her as a wonderfully kind and loving soul. She joined us aged just 4, and we had the privilege to watch her grow into the caring, loyal and very popular girl we saw leave us at the end of Year 6.
It seems unimaginable that we are talking about a 12-year-old who was so loved by so many in the past tense.
Our deepest and heartfelt condolences have been passed on to Rachel, as well as Rafy, Jorge, and the wider family. They all remain in our prayers and thoughts. We also grieve along with Semina's class friends.
1st March 2021
Dear Parents,
We are very excited to be welcoming all our children back next week. We know how challenging the last seven weeks will have been for you but your engagement and support has been magnificent. Thank you all for your hard work.
We know some of our pupils and parents may be slightly anxious about returning. Our risk assessment has been reviewed by our health and safety advisors (Health and Safety Compliance). Be assured, we will continue to ensure that school is as safe as it reasonably can be.
A reminder of some of the key procedures in place:
School dinners will recommence on ‘Week 1’ of the menu. We will use menu choices from before Christmas for next week.
Class teachers will be in contact with you later in the week regarding P.E. days.
Thank you all, once again, for your tremendous support during this latest lockdown. We look forward to welcoming you back next week.
Best wishes
23rd February 2021
Dear Parents,
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, we are delighted that all our children will be returning to school on 8th March. It will be wonderful to welcome them back and we are excited that we can all be together again.
We are looking forward to receiving further guidance from the Government later in the week. We will be in touch with you early next week with more information regarding the full reopening of school, including a reminder of our health and safety routines.
Best wishes
5th February 2021
Dear Parents,
As we approach the last week of this half term, we would like to say a huge thank you for all your support over the last five weeks. We appreciate the challenges that everyone is facing and understand that some of you have had to cope with illness and the devastation of losing friends and loved ones during this pandemic.
Twelve months ago, homeschooling was a concept that very few of us had ever considered, yet we are now in a position in which many of you are juggling this with working from home yourselves. Be assured, we do not underestimate how difficult this can be and thank you for all your hard work.
We cannot wait for all our children to return to school, as we miss those who are at home. Class teachers are working hard to support children and look forward to the face-to-face contact they have through Zoom sessions. They love receiving emails from pupils and are so proud of everyone’s hard work. Pupil engagement has been excellent, however, we recognise that some weeks will be more challenging than others so if you are unable to complete all the work set, please do not worry. As always, we urge you to get in touch with school if you are having any difficulties and need support. We are keen to work together as effectively as possible and want to know if you have any worries or concerns.
One parent has raised a concern that non-qualifying children are attending school. We very much take people at their word when they request a place and trust people will be honest with us in return. Sincere thanks for the many kind words and messages we have received throughout the last five weeks as we all work to support each other. We endeavour to provide a nurturing learning environment for all our children, whether they are in school or at home. Be assured, children are being taught the same content at home as in school and when everyone can return, class teachers will support every child to settle quickly back into class based learning.
We will be in contact with you next week regarding arrangements for Parents’ Evenings and look forward, hopefully, to welcoming you all back in early March.
Best wishes
8th January 2021
Dear Parents,
Arrangements for lunchtime continue as normal. We will be offering a hot dinner option for those attending school, for those who wish to have them. Pupils who have sandwiches can continue to bring packed lunches in as usual.
As we mentioned via email yesterday, for those children not attending school who are entitled to free school meals, we will be providing a food parcel which will be available to collect from the school office on Monday from 12pm. This will be reviewed next week in light of ongoing guidance from the DfE.
A reminder also that all children attending school should continue to arrive in their school uniform.
Next Week
Parents of pupils who are not attending school should have received an email from their child’s class teacher. If you have not received an email please contact the school office at admin@stpatricks.sefton.org.uk.
Finally, sincere thanks for all your support and patience during this challenging week.
Best wishes
6th January 2021
Dear Parents,
Thank you to all the critical workers who have already requested a place for next week. If you are eligible (please see the list on gov.uk) and haven’t yet done so, please complete and return the request form by noon tomorrow.
It isn’t necessary to book a place for this week given the timing of the announcement and the subsequent challenges for families. Therefore, if you are a critical worker and wish for your child/ren to attend school, like yesterday and today, you are welcome to bring them in tomorrow and/or Friday.
For those who are not in school, your class teacher will be contacting you via email on Friday. This will include an outline of next week’s timetable and a link for your first face-to-face session on Monday. If you haven’t received an email by midday on Friday, please contact the school office on admin@stpatricks.sefton.org.uk. In the meantime, if you have any concerns regarding the VLE, please contact your class teacher on your class email address.
Finally, we will email those eligible for free school meals tomorrow with more information.
Best wishes
5th January 2021
Dear Parents,
Please see below for the Critical Worker Provision form. If you are a ‘critical worker’ and would like to request a place in school for the week beginning Monday 11th January, please complete the form as appropriate.
For those pupils who are not eligible for a place in school or who do not wish to return at this stage, we will share further details with you regarding remote learning and working from home, tomorrow.
Best wishes
4th January 2021
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our children back to school tomorrow. Please remember to adhere to the following procedures to help keep everyone as safe as possible:
We recognise that there has been lots of discussion in the news about primary schools. Following the Government’s guidance, Sefton Council has advised primary schools to open. Be assured, we will keep you fully up to date with all the guidance and advice from the Local Authority, if it changes.
Friday 13th November 2020
Dear Parents,
We hope you are keeping well. As you are aware, we closed a bubble on Monday following advice from Public Health England. We would like to thank you for the calm and supportive way in which everyone has responded.
When responding to cases where a pupil or family member has tested positive for COVID -19, please be assured we follow the advice of PHE and the DfE at all times. No decisions are made without their explicit instruction. We know this is a particularly traumatic time for some families with specific medical concerns.
We continue to keep school as safe as we reasonable can, in line with our approved and up to date risk assessments. As you are aware, government guidance changes regularly but we access the most up to date guidance at all times. We have attached a link below with relevant documents, which may be useful. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact school.
9th November 2020
Advice to All Parents - Single case
Dear Parents,
We have been made aware of a member of our school community who has tested positive for COVID 19.
We know that you may find this concerning but we are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public Health England. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
The small number of children who have been in close contact with the individual who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) have received a letter informing them that their child must stay at home for 14 days.
The school remains open and your child should continue to attend as normal if they remain well.
What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they must not come to school and should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via https://www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test or by calling 119.
All other household members who remain well, must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. This includes anyone in your ‘Support Bubble’.
Further information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection
The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.
Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home.
If you require help with buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, or walking a dog, you should ask friends or family. Alternatively, you can order your shopping online and medication by phone or online.
Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community
If you are able, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period.
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from the nhs.uk website at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/check-if-you-have-coronavirus-symptoms/. If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at https://111.nhs.uk/ or by phoning 111.
How to stop COVID-19 spreading
There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19
Further Information
Further information is available at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Yours sincerely
26th October 2020
Dear Parents,
Sefton have published some information on their website today for families who are eligible for free school meals. Sefton are putting in place a scheme to support children and their families accessing free school meals during half term.
Please visit sefton.gov.uk for more information.
Best wishes.
15th October 2020
Dear Parents,
Class teachers are looking forward to talking with you about your child/ren after half term. As we stated last week, due to the current restrictions, parents’ meetings will be held over the phone this term. We recognise this is not ideal but we are working within the constraints currently in place.
Next week, you will be invited to book a 10 minute appointment with your child/ren’s class teacher during the following windows:
Rec, Year 1 & 2 - Tues 10th Nov – Thurs 12th Nov (4.30pm – 7.30pm).
Years 3, 4, 5 /6 - Tues 17th Nov – Thurs 19th Nov (4.30pm – 7.30pm).
On Wednesday we will upload an electronic appointment form for you to select your preferred time.
We will also provide class email addresses. This will enable you to return your completed forms to class teachers.
Best Wishes
6th October 2020
Dear Parents,
We are currently organising Parents’ Evenings, which are obviously slightly different this year.
Class teachers will arrange to have a phone call with you, lasting a maximum of ten minutes, to discuss how your child has settled into their new class. These phone calls will take place after half term.
We will provide an update on Thursday 15th October.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Hello Yellow - 9th October 2020
At a time when it is needed most, we are coming together on Friday 9th October to support World Mental Health Day. This is a time for us to feel positive about the future.
As a school, we are supporting the day by wearing something yellow. It is a full uniform day as usual, but the children may wear something yellow; this could be yellow socks, yellow bobbles, or simply a yellow ribbon on their school jumper/cardigan.
Throughout the day, the children will be taking part in activities which promote positive health and well-being. Please keep a look out for pictures from the day on the ‘SEND’ webpage and your child’s class page.
25th September 2020
Dear Parents,
Many thanks for your support with our revised arrangements at the beginning and end of the school day. We greatly appreciate everyone’s efforts to use the appropriate entrance and exit points and to follow the one-way system. We recognise that this may extend your journey around the school building but, as it supports the safety and wellbeing of us all, it is important. Thank you for wearing masks whilst on the school premises and for being so prompt in vacating school grounds. It has been much smoother this week. A small number of adults have notified us that they are exempt from wearing a mask due to health reasons and we fully respect this position.
In the event that children are self – isolating and / or waiting for the results of a Covid test please do inform the school office at the earliest opportunity. Once notified, staff will provide work for them to complete on the VLE. Inevitably this takes a little time to upload so please be patient.
Thanks again for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
A Message from the Chair of Governors
22nd September 2020
Dear Parents,
In view of the increased safety measures that are being put in place across the North West (and nationally) as of today, the Governors have implemented some changes to how staff and parents communicate.
From today (Tuesday 22nd September) we will not be hosting any face-to-face meetings in school. If you have a concern you wish to discuss, please contact the school office who will arrange for the class teacher to telephone you.
This approach will be kept under review and will be lifted as soon as it is safe to do so.
Given the current constraints, we are thinking about how best to organise this term’s Parents’ Evenings, which will be different to our usual format. We will write to you in two weeks to outline our approach.
On behalf of all the Governors, thank you for your support as we continue to adapt to our ‘new normal’. It is wonderful to see nearly 97% of our pupils attending.
Best wishes
Anthony Sammin (Chair of Governors)
18th September 2020
Dear Parents,
Thank you for complying with the latest guidance from Sefton in terms of wearing masks on the school premises. Working together as a school community supports the safety and wellbeing of us all.
Class teachers will be uploading homework each week on the VLE. Work will be uploaded by 4.30pm every Monday and children will have a week to complete the tasks set. Teachers will share more information regarding homework on their class pages and will be working with children in school to ensure they can access work and are confident using the VLE.
Reading Books
We have worked closely with our health and safety advisors to ensure our process for sending home reading books is as safe as possible in the current climate. It is, understandably, slightly different than in previous years.
Book Bands
Children who are reading books from our book bands will be taking home one book to read at home each week. This will be given out on a Monday. They will be wiped down before being put in children’s book bags.
Please keep your child’s book at home until Thursday. This gives some time for your child/ren to read with you and ideally finish their book before bringing it back to school on Thursday morning. Books will then be placed in a box for 72 hours to ensure they are safe to be returned to our school library on the following Monday. We will not be changing books on other days so children will only need their book bag on Mondays and Thursdays.
We recognise that this is a new procedure and we are only sending one book home at a time so that the process is manageable both at home and at school.
Free Readers
Children in Key Stage Two who have completed all book bands are welcome to bring in a book from home to read in school. Children will keep their book in school until they have finished reading it.
We continue to be delighted with the way children are engaging responsibly with new regimes in school. As we adjust to new ‘home – school’ reading routines and online homework, we greatly appreciate your patience and support.
Tuesday 15th September 2020
Dear Parents,
As you know, we outlined our approach for reopening school (published on the school website on 24th August) following advice from our Health and Safety Compliance Advisors. These arrangements were passed by Sefton LA. We also stated that our approach would remain under constant review. As such, we will be introducing some new arrangements whilst reinforcing some other aspects. These changes will be effective from Monday, 21st September.
We are all alert to the fact that the ‘r’ rate has now gone above 1 nationally. This means we are all at greater risk. As a result, the Government has introduced new arrangements for all of us outside school, such as the ‘rule of 6’.
Whilst we feel arrangements in and around school during the school day are being managed as safely as is practicable, we feel that we need to consolidate arrangements for when children are dropped off and picked up. We rely on your support and compliance with these arrangements and ask you to support them and the spirit in which they are organised.
Please ensure only 1 adult per family drops-off or collects.
Whilst the overwhelming majority of parents have stuck to this request, we have had complaints from some parents that some children have been picked up by multiple adults from the same family. Whilst we all would wish that circumstances were different, we must work with the risks we are facing, as a result, please ensure only 1 adult drops-off or collects.
Please be aware of others and socially distance.
A number of our parents have been shielding and are at a more acute risk than others. Please try to maintain an appropriate distance between other adults as much as is reasonably possible. Parents must wear a mask whilst on the school premises. (As of 18th September.)
Follow the new one-way system
We are introducing a one-way system to minimise congestion. From Monday, we will have designated gates for entry and exit that will be clearly marked. Please use them accordingly. We will also place arrows on the ground to direct footfall. Please follow the arrows as you drop off and collect. Once you have dropped-off or collected, please leave school grounds as quickly and as safely as you reasonably can. Please do not stay behind, congregate or socialise with other parents on school grounds.
Keep the pathways clear
If you are waiting briefly outside your child’s/ children’s classroom, please wait in the designated waiting zone allocated for your class and leave the pathway clear. We need the path to be continuously clear so that you and our children can leave safely and quickly. Your child’s/ children’s teacher will dismiss children so they can leave safely.
Please collect your child/ren promptly
As you know, we have a 15 minute drop off window in the morning – from 8.45am til 9.00am. The register is taken at 9.05 when school gates are closed.
At the end of the day, we are extending our collection window to 15 minutes, like the morning.
Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 may be collected between 3.15pm and 3.20pm. Hopefully, by extending this window we can alleviate footfall a little. As was the case previously, parents of children in Early Years and/ or Key Stage 1 who have a sibling in Key Stage 2 may collect their older children at the same time.
Children in Key Stage 2 who do not have siblings in Key Stage 1 must be collected at 3.30pm and not earlier.
It is very much hoped that children from Early Years and Key Stage 1 can be off-site by 3.25pm.
We ask that parents who only have children who are in Key Stage 2 do not come onto school grounds until 3.25pm ready to pick up at 3.30pm.
As with previous years, pupils in Key Stage 2 do not require picking up by an adult. They are allowed to make their own way to meet parents in the car park or outside school, with parental permission. If you wish your child to make their own way out of class, please send a note to the class teacher.
We recognise that as we adapt to these slightly different arrangements, there may be some teething issues. Please bear with us. The priority remains the well-being of everyone. Whilst we recognise that we cannot eliminate all risk, we hope these arrangements will be sufficient to make the beginning and end of the day as smooth as is reasonably possible. As always, our procedures remain under constant review.
10th September 2020
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your continuing support as we all adjust to the ‘new normal’ in school. We are working hard to provide a safe, nurturing environment for our children, in line with Government guidance, which has meant establishing some new routines within the school day. We are aware that there are differences and are very proud of children for adapting accordingly. They have coped very well with not being able to play on the outdoor apparatus during playtimes. Please ensure children are not using the apparatus or playing ball games on the school premises before or after school.
Part of our safety measures to avoid mixing ‘bubbles’ has included reducing lunchtimes in Key Stage Two by ten minutes. As children in Key Stage Two can now be collected at 3.20pm, if they have younger siblings, our reduced lunchtimes also ensure that no teaching time is lost. Inevitably this means staff have less time within the school day to have telephone conversations with parents. Therefore, if you have a concern you would like to discuss with a class teacher, they will contact you within 48 hours of your request. Many thanks for your patience and understanding with this.
Sefton have produced the following flowchart to provide information for parents and carers in the event that someone becomes unwell in an educational setting.
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! We are delighted that children have settled so quickly this morning in their new classes. There is a happy buzz around school and it is wonderful to have everyone back with us. Many thanks for your support this morning in terms of dropping children off and vacating the premises quickly. Your help with this is much appreciated.
Sefton Council and Public Health have asked us to share the following letter with parents:
As outlined in our previous update, children in Years 1 – 6 will be starting P.E. lessons next week and will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. kit with their school jumper or cardigan. Children will be having P.E. on the following days:
Year 1: Tuesday
Year 2: Monday
Year 3: Thursday
Year 4: Wednesday
Year 5: Friday
Year 6: Wednesday
Children in Reception will start their P.E. lessons in due course. Class teachers will contact parents nearer the time.
Mrs Carol Burns
Dear Parents,
It fills us with great sadness to share the news that Mrs Carol Burns, one of our teaching assistants, passed away on 12th August 2020. Carol had been diagnosed with lymphoma earlier in the year.
Carol will be greatly missed by all who knew her. She was a wonderful and much-loved member of our staff team and a huge support to our children in so many ways. Her kindness and compassion for others always shone through and nothing was too much trouble. Carol had so many qualities that made her very popular with staff, parents and children alike.
Carol was a member of the St Patrick’s family for many years, initially as a parent. She then joined the staff as a lunchtime supervisor before working as a teaching assistant. She expertly supported many pupils, both academically and in a pastoral capacity and we are heartbroken at her passing. We will be honouring Carol’s memory with a permanent memorial in school in the very near future and will keep you informed.
Carol’s family have asked us to share the following photograph with you.
We are keeping them in our prayers and know that you will too.
20th July 2020
Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to welcoming additional children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 into school on Wednesday. The arrangements for the sessions are as follows:
Reception & Year 1 children: If your child has been attending school over the last few weeks please bring them to school as usual. Please note that school will be closing at 2pm.
If your child is visiting school but has not been attending over the last few weeks please being them to their classroom door at 9.30am. The sessions will last for two hours. Please collect your child at 11.30am from their classroom door.
Year 6 children: Year 6 children who have requested a place on Wednesday 22nd July are welcome to spend the day in school. Children will enter and exit through their classroom doors. School starts for Year 6 children at 8.55am. Please note that school will be closing at 2pm.
The safety of all remains a key focus in school. With this in mind, please ensure that only one adult accompanies each child on the school premises.
Many thanks for your help with this.
20th July 2020
Dear Parents,
We hope you have had a lovely weekend. It was wonderful to see so many children visit school on Friday and we eagerly await everyone’s return in September. We recognise that for some families it was better for their child/ren to stay at home and we really hope you are all keeping well. To ensure all children have had the opportunity to see their new class teacher staff will upload a brief video on the VLE class pages by the end of the day. Following this, the VLE will close until September when children will be using it in school. We are not uploading any work this week. It’s time for children and parents to have a well-earned break!
We are particularly proud of our Year 6 children this year who have had to contend with lockdown during their final term in primary school. Much as school is somewhat different at the moment, we have of course planned some special events, which we know they will enjoy. Under normal circumstances parents are invited to join some of the celebrations but this is not feasible at this point, particularly as we have over 150 children currently attending school in our Reception, Years 1 & 6 and Key Worker bubbles. Many thanks for your patience and understanding regarding these constraints.
The School Health Team will be operating over the summer break. If you need to contact a School Nurse over the school holidays please contact them via the duty number: 01704 385125 or the team email address:
The team are keen to support families who maybe finding things a challenge. Please see the attachment below, which outlines the video consultation facility that school nurses are using.
The Early Help Team have also sent the following link which parents can use to access a support pack, particularly in the event that children are anxious about returning to school in September. Registration is free and you may find some of the activities help your child/ren.
Sefton Council have produced an information document for parents (see below) which covers a number of common questions and provides several useful links.
Thank you for your ongoing support at this busy time.
Stay safe and be kind.
16th July
Dear Parents,
We are very much looking forward to welcoming children from Years 2, 3, 4, & 5 into school tomorrow. In order to avoid unnecessary congestion on the school grounds we are staggering start and finish times.
If your child is in Years 2 or 3, please bring them to their classroom door at 9.25am and then collect them at 11.25am.
If your child is in Years 4 or 5, they will start their session at 9.35am and finish at 11.35am.
Please ensure only one adult comes onto the school grounds with your child. We politely request that you leave promptly once children have entered school. Uniform is optional.
Please see the update below (10th July) regarding health and safety procedures. We are working hard within the parameters to ensure people feel safe. Inevitably we cannot eliminate all risk and fully recognise people may decide to wait until September before bringing their children back to school.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
15th July 2020
Dear Parents,
We hope you are keeping well and are looking forward to reading your child’s report later today. As you would expect, reports have a slightly different format this year but they still celebrate all the wonderful things children have been doing in school. We are so proud of our pupils – they are amazing!
We will be sending reports via email, later this afternoon. This is the first time we have sent them electronically so please be patient.
Many thanks to people who have indicated that their child/ren would like to visit school and spend time with their class on Friday 17th July (Years 2, 3, 4 & 5) or Wednesday 22nd July (Reception, Years 1 & 6). If you would like your child to attend this session but have not yet contacted school, please do so by 12.00pm today so that we can make the appropriate arrangements. Attendance is entirely optional and we fully recognise that some families may prefer to wait until September to send children back to school.
Thank you for your ongoing support. It is greatly appreciated.
10th July 2020
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all keeping well and are looking forward to the upcoming summer break. Hopefully we will see some more sunshine!
We are currently organising school provision for September and are very excited to be welcoming all our children back. This has been a year like no other and we are very grateful for your ongoing support during the different phases of lockdown.
We are inviting all pupils back to school for one session before the end of term so that they can see their friends and their teachers before September. Hopefully this will provide some closure on what has been a challenging time for everybody. Attendance is entirely voluntary.
Safety and minimising risk for all are still key priorities so the following will be in place during children’s visits to school.
As part of the children’s visit to school, staff will share a video so that children have had an opportunity to see and hear from their new teacher. Our focus in September, during the initial weeks in school, will be on transition activities to ensure children settle quickly and feel happy and supported. Staff will be working closely together to ensure they have had a comprehensive handover, ready to welcome their new classes.
Arrangements for School Visits
Yrs 2, 3, 4, 5 – Children are welcome to come into school between 9.30am and 11.30am on Friday 17th July to spend time in their classrooms with their current teacher.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 – Any additional children who would like to spend time with their class are welcome to do so on the morning of Wednesday 22nd July. We will share more details regarding the arrangements for these year groups next week.
If your child would like to visit school on their allocated day, please confirm with their class teacher via the VLE or email the school office on admin@stpatricks.sefton.org.uk .
Have a lovely weekend.
Dear children,
We hope you are all keeping well and have enjoyed speaking to your teachers this week. Over the last few months we have all seen lots of beautiful rainbows in peoples’ windows. We know that many of you have created your own too.
Father John has sent a very special rainbow to share with you all this week. Try to go on the Rainbow Prayer Hunt and see how many different coloured items you can find.
26th June 2020
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all keeping well and have managed to enjoy some of the sunshine. We were pleased to hear the Prime Minister announce his intention for all children to return full time in September. We are looking forward to reading the guidance, which is due to be published next week as we work towards welcoming all our pupils back.
Class teachers are looking forward to chatting again with those children who are not in school on Zoom next week. Please check the VLE for details of the calls.
As outlined last week, reports will be sent out on 15th July. Following this, teachers will be in touch with children from their new classes ahead of the summer holidays.
Be assured, as we gain new information we will share it with you at the earliest opportunity.
Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe and be kind.
Friday 19 June 2020
Dear Parents,
Our teachers have really enjoyed speaking with their children this week. It has been lovely to hear how they are doing. Thank you all for your help with this. Class teachers will be in contact with children via email throughout next week and will be arranging Zoom calls for the following week.
We continue to follow and respond to guidance as it changes. When there are significant changes in Government policies, be assured, we will share them with you. Whilst we are looking forward to welcoming some of our Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children on Monday, those who are not returning remain very much an integral part of our school family and are at the forefront of all our thoughts.
We are looking forward to getting clear guidance regarding September, when we expect to see all our children back. With this in mind, we are currently organising arrangements for transition for all our pupils before the end of term as we all recognise how important this is. School reports will be sent out on the 15th July, as planned. We will update you further next week.
Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe and be kind.
10th June 2020
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all keeping well and are managing with the ongoing challenges of our current situation. We recognise that juggling work commitments and home schooling is difficult and really appreciate your efforts in supporting children in their learning.
Work will be uploaded on the VLE for next week by 5pm on Friday. Please don’t worry if children are reluctant to complete certain activities. The work provided is designed to support learning at home but some families may choose to create their own learning opportunities or access activities from the wealth of additional resources that are available online. Everyone’s circumstances are different and finding what works for you as a family is crucial.
Class teachers have enjoyed communicating with children via email this week and they are looking forward to chatting with pupils next week on Zoom. They will be sharing details of the calls via the VLE on Monday.
We will be in touch next week, but if there are any significant changes we will share them as quickly as possible.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Dear Parents,
Please find attached a letter from Sefton Council, which we received this afternoon. As you will see, they have advised Sefton schools to remain closed, except for the children of key workers until 22nd June. Their explanation is outlined within the letter. The Archdiocese have advised all Catholic schools to comply with this guidance.
We recognise this will be frustrating for parents with pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, and especially disappointing for those children who were looking forward to returning on Monday. We have been working hard getting school ready to welcome children back. This plan will now be pushed back to the following week. Provision for children of key workers remains in place.
As we outlined prior to half term, teachers are communicating with all pupils through the VLE this week. Next week, teachers will be holding Zoom meetings again with all children.
We will be in contact later in the week with further updates. We were keen, at this stage, to share information with you as quickly as possible.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Take care
Dear Parents,
Apologies for the delay with the childcare form for next week. We have been awaiting advice from Sefton.
Many thanks for your patience.
Dear children,
We hope you have had a lovely half term and have had some fun with your families. You might have seen some different songs over the last few weeks that are linked to Coronavirus and the wonderful work that lots of key workers are doing.
Father John has been praying for you all every day and is thinking of you very specially. He has shared a song by his great nephew, Oscar, who is going to be four in July. You can access it using the link below:
Happy listening!!
22nd May 2020
Dear Parents,
Many thanks for all the positive feedback we have received regarding the Zoom calls that took place this week. Class teachers loved seeing the children and many felt rather emotional as the children are so well loved and greatly missed.
Schools are preparing for phased reopening next half term, in line with Government and Local Authority guidance. We recognise that this is a very challenging time for families, particularly when parents are juggling working from home with home schooling. We are not uploading work during our two week half term break and hope that families are able to enjoy spending time together without the additional pressures that home schooling can bring.
After half term we are making some changes that we hope will be helpful for families moving forward.
Work will now be uploaded on the VLE each Friday at 5pm for the following week to give families more time to organise their schedules and fit school work in accordingly. We recognise that some families may choose to explore other activities instead of those provided on the VLE and fully respect this. Activities on the VLE are designed to support learning but are not compulsory. If you would like a hard copy of the work for your child/ren please email the school office. You are welcome to collect work from school on a Tuesday morning.
Class teachers will be communicating with children who are not attending school via the VLE three times a week to ensure all children feel supported and understand that although they are not in school at the moment, they are still very much a part of the school community. Class teachers will also be holding fortnightly Zoom calls or telephone calls with all children in their classes, who are not attending school, as we want to retain regular contact with all pupils.
The term ‘unprecedented’ has probably been used more since the outbreak of Coronavirus than ever before, closely rivalled by ‘uncertainty’. In these ever changing circumstances it is a huge challenge for all of us. We are preparing for the phased reopening of school on 15th June in the knowledge that there might be more unexpected, last minute changes ahead. One thing we know for sure is that we are looking forward to the day that all our children can come back to school safely.
Children: We are very proud of you and miss you so much. It is important that you stay safe because we want every single one of you to come back to school strong and healthy, whenever that is. We hope you have a lovely half term and have fun with your families.
Thursday 21 May 2020
Dear Parents,
School re-opening update
Since our last update (14 May), the Government has published further guidance for primary schools. This has further clarified the guidelines they wish schools to follow when organising a phased reopening for pupils.
In response to this, yesterday, we shared with you a collective message from all schools in the Southport Learning Partnership (20 May). We also uploaded a letter from Sefton Council regarding the proposed reopening of schools (19 May). Sefton Council has advised local authority schools not to reopen until 15th June at the earliest. The Archdiocese has advised Catholic schools to follow local authority advice and, therefore, the Governors have agreed that school will not reopen until June 15, at the earliest, and will plan on this basis.
Our previous update outlined some of the logistical challenges that schools are facing whilst planning to reopen. For example; the Government does not wish pupils to be in classes with more than 15 pupils. Until last week, nearly all primary schools were planning to reopen on a part-time rota basis for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, with a view to rolling out this approach to the other year groups at a later point. This would have allowed all parents who wished to, to be able to send their children back to school before the summer holidays for some schooling.
The Government has indicated in their latest guidance that they do not wish children to return on a rota basis. As a result, we are now planning a different approach for our school reopening. Once the Government definitively decide they wish to reopen schools (a final decision will be taken on May 28) and Sefton Council advise us that it is safe for us to do so, we anticipate reopening for our Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children.
Depending on the uptake, it is highly likely we will need to divide our children into smaller and therefore, more groups (or bubbles as described by the Government). It is unlikely that we will be able to offer the current 2-class per year arrangement. Inevitably, in these circumstances, many children will not be taught by their class teachers.
We plan to offer children in these year groups a place from Monday to Thursday. Friday will see the school undergo a deep clean although provision will remain for pupils of key workers.
When schools reopen, the Government does not wish for pupils from each group to mix with other groups (bubbles). Our specialist Health and Safety Officers have advised us that any pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 who require a place on Friday (because they are children of key workers) should spend their week with the key worker group and not with their class. They cannot, for example spend Monday to Thursday in Reception, Year 1 or 6 and then join another group on the Friday. Provision for children of key workers remains in place, with the caveats outlined above.
We are busily working towards reopening in line with the Government’s plans following approval from the local authority. These plans are always subject to change following ongoing changes to Government policy. Whatever happens, we know that school will look and feel very differently in the near future. Children in Y2, 3, 4 and 5, as well as those children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 whose parents choose not to send their children to school will continue to have work uploaded and will have weekly contact from teachers. All this remains subject to staff wellbeing and availability.
We have undergone a comprehensive Health and Safety Audit with specialist professionals who have helped us to best prepare for reopening. Our detailed risk assessments will ensure that provision will be as safe as it reasonably can be.
None of us like uncertainty, and none of us want this for our children. However, as we stated last week, we want to be transparent with you about the guidance schools are receiving and the decision-making process Governors are taking. The primary focus will always be the safety and wellbeing of all of us.
Be assured, we will update you when we have further news.
In the meantime, take care and stay safe.
Dear Parents,
Please find attached a letter from the Southport Learning Partnership regarding school reopenings. It has been agreed and signed by all schools in Southport.
Dear Parents,
Please find attached a letter from Sefton Council regarding the reopening of schools. We shall provide further updates tomorrow.
Take care
Zoom Calls
18th May 2020
Dear Parents,
Children will receive an invitation today from their teacher, by email on the VLE, to join a Zoom meeting with members of their class. The meetings will be in small groups and will provide an opportunity for the children to catch up with their friends and their teacher.
The invitation will include: the time of the meeting, a meeting number and a password.
Please help your children to join the meeting by following these instructions:
Coronavirus Update
Thursday 14 May 2020
Dear Parents,
You will be aware that last Sunday the Prime Minister announced plans for schools to reopen for some year groups (Reception/ Year 1 and Year 6) after half term. Moving forward, he outlined his wish that schools reopen for all pupils before the summer holidays.
The Government subsequently published guidance on Monday designed to explain how primary schools can reopen safely. (See below)
In spite of these publications, there remains a great deal of uncertainty and there are huge implications for all of us as we try to organise our provision.
There is some clarity: for example, the Government has announced that class sizes must not exceed 15. Obviously, if pupils are to be limited to a maximum of 15 per class, and the Government want all children to attend school, then we have a challenging equation to complete. By implication schools would either need twice as many classrooms and teachers or they will only be able to offer a part time provision. A full time offer for all pupils is not an available option with the current guidance.
Additionally, the Government has said that some children may need to be educated at a different setting. This is clearly something we would not wish for and we will be working within the parameters set by the Government to ensure we avoid this.
We are currently working with other schools across Southport and Sefton to better understand and help us to plan more effectively to implement the Government’s expectations. Meetings have been taking place this week and these will continue into early next week, including with Public Health England. As a result, we won’t be in a position to provide greater clarity until next week.
Early indications from Sefton (and Liverpool) suggest that, initially, the most common approach being taken by primary schools is that pupils from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will be invited to school for 2 days per week. This will allow pupils to be taught in classes of no more than 15. Schools would be closed for 1 day per week (except for children of key workers) so classrooms can undergo a weekly deep clean. As and when it is safe to do so, this approach will be rolled out to the other year groups. For those pupils not attending school, teachers will continue to provide work on the VLE and will hold weekly Zoom meetings. There will be additional changes to the school day such as arrangements for playtimes and lunchtime provision.
The Government has indicated that attendance will not be compulsory and there will not be fines for parents who do not wish to send their children to school. No one who chooses to continue to keep their children at home will be criticised and work to complete at home will continue to be provided.
We are not yet able to give you any more clarity at this stage, however, as the Government has advised, they are currently working through the detail of these plans with local authorities and relevant agencies and guidance continues to change on an ongoing basis. Nonetheless, we felt it would be helpful to share with you where we are and how we are dealing with these circumstances.
We continue to recognise and appreciate that you are all working hard as parents and as members of our wider community to play your role in staying safe and protecting each other. We remain indebted to all key workers for their incredible service in so many areas, for the amazing work they undertake.
These circumstances are unprecedented. None of us have ever faced such challenges and we are all working hard to provide the fairest but, above all, the safest provision we can for all of our children. Their health, indeed all of our health, is the only thing that really matters right now. It isn’t an easy time for any of us and, moving forward, we won’t be able to please everybody but we will always endeavour to be open and transparent in our decision making whilst working with the parameters provided.
Finally, teachers will be organising Zoom meetings with our children next week. Details will be sent out on Monday.
Thank you all for your patience and for the kindness and understanding that so many of you have shown us.
Implementing Protective Measures in Education and Childcare Settings
Opening Schools and Educational Settings to More Pupils From 1 June: Guidance for Parents and Carers
7th May
Dear Parents,
We hope you are safe and well. We are missing you all, especially our children and look forward to welcoming you all back as soon as it is safe to do so.
Like you, we are expecting further guidance from the Prime Minister on Sunday. We anticipate this will include information about arrangements for schools. We will be in contact with you all by the end of next week to outline any changes and how they will impact on our school moving forward.
Thank you all for your continued patience and wonderful support during this challenging time.
Coronavirus - Key Worker Childcare Provision
We cannot stress enough - this childcare is last resort care. It is about doing all that we can to suppress the virus, it is not about letting everyone carry on as normal. Even if you are a key worker, the Government has been very clear, if you can keep your child at home, you should do that.
If we become aware of someone abusing the system, we will reserve the right to withdraw the care for that family.
Remember, this is about responding to a national emergency and everyone needs to play their part.
Updated Guidance
All of the Department for Education’s coronavirus guidance for educational settings can now be found in one place on GOV.​UK:
FSM Food Hamper
Families who are eligible for FSM and would like a food hamper, please let the school office know by email (admin@stpatricks.sefton.org.uk) by 9am on Monday 20th April.
The hampers will then be ready for collection between 11am - 1pm.
Please note that, under current Government guidelines, this does not apply to children in Reception and KS1 who receive Universal Free School Meals.
Tuesday 14th April 10.57am
Friday 20th March (3pm)
School lunches and free school dinners
As you are aware the school is obliged to provide a meal for those eligible for free school meals. For those children not attending school, from Monday a packed lunch will be available for collection from the school office from 11.30am – 1.00pm for those who wish to collect it.
If required, the kitchen can provide a packed lunch for the children of key workers in Key Stage 1 on the days they attend. Children of key workers who attend in Key stage 2 must bring their own packed lunch.
Friday 20th March (12:15pm)
Dear Parents,
Thank you to those of you who have emailed school to indicate you are a key worker. We will communicate with you further later today.
There will be a letter available with all of the relevant information, on our website for you from 2.30pm today regarding next week.
Thursday 19th March (9.45pm)
We understand the list of Key Workers will now be published tomorrow. We will update the website as soon as this becomes available. Thank you for your patience.
Thursday 19th March
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you all for your patience in these challenging times. As you know our school will close for the vast majority of our pupils tomorrow, until further notice. The government have announced that schools will be open for specific children, including those whose parents are classed as key workers. We are currently awaiting guidance from the government over their criteria for a key worker.
When this criteria has been confirmed, please email the school(admin@stpatricks.sefton.org.uk) if you are a key worker and will be sending your child to school. We would greatly appreciate it if you could email by 8.30am tomorrow morning, as this will help us as we try to make plans for the upcoming weeks. In the event you are working part time, we would be grateful if you could advise us of which days you wish your child to attend school. We recognise that this may change on a weekly basis.
There is a great deal of uncertainty at the moment and we are keen to provide as much clarity as we can, as quickly as possible. With this in mind, we will upload the arrangements for providing children with work by 2.30pm tomorrow.
In terms of wider communications, we will continue to update the website as we learn more. We will provide an update again on Monday afternoon. When there are updates on the website we will text you to ask you to check the website.
Thanks again for your ongoing support.
Wednesday 18th March
The KS1 class Mass due to take place in St.Patrick's church on Tuesday 24th March has been cancelled.
Tuesday 17th March
La Fiestaval, involving some Year 4 pupils and due to take place at Greenbank High School, has been cancelled.
Tuesday 17th March
Dear Parents / Carers
Yesterday we received new and direct guidance from the Government to ensure we are protecting ourselves and the communities in which we live.
We will remain open until advised otherwise by Public Health England or it becomes logistically impossible to do so. As a school we have a duty to ensure we continue to provide education for our students, and to protect the most vulnerable in our community and support our families.
The latest current guidance and advice is:
"If one person in any household has a persistent cough or fever, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days."
It is important that all in our school are following this advice to restrict any possible transmission of the virus.
If you are concerned about the transmission of the virus at home due to family members having serious, underlying health issues, family members living in the household who are over 70 or if members of your household are pregnant, the advice at this time would be to self-isolate.
Please see this important advice regarding vulnerable group and social distancing:
We are getting updates from the DFE with regards to the Coronavirus. Due to the fast-evolving nature of this situation, however, it is important that you use the following link to the UK Government’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) web page for the most up to date information. You can access this information by clicking the link below:
If you have any questions, please contact the school office or contact NHS 111 for medical advice.
Thank you for your continued support for our school and community.
Monday 16th March
Dear Parents,
As you aware, we are in unprecedented times with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Please follow the guidance from Public Health England. If any members of your family display symptoms, please keep your son/daughter at home for 7 days. All absences are authorised at this time.
We are taking actions in school to minimise the risk as much as is possible and following guidance. With this in mind, we are postponing all our school celebrations for tomorrow. We will celebrate our feast day later in the school year when it is safe to do so. We are also cancelling all whole school events until further notice.
If you plan on keeping your son/daughter at home, please email school on admin@stpatricks.sefton.org.uk where possible or call the school office.
Be assured, we will update you as we receive further information.
Monday 16th March
Dear Parents,
In light of recent developments we have cancelled the Easter production for Years 3 and 4.
I know our children will be disappointed, however, the well-being of our children, staff and families is paramount.
Thank you for your support.