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Creative Learning

Music: Our first Djemba drumming session.

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Music: Our first Djemba drumming lesson!

Geography - Developing our map skills!

Design and Technology: Recapping the different types of stiches, including a whip, back and running stitch

Geography: Identifying Human and Physical Geography

PSHE - Talk the Talk (4.10.23)


Our Year 6 children had a wonderful day getting to know Nikki and learning from her expertise. They were split into four groups, and each took part in a PSHE session, which focused on feelings and preparing for the wider world (transition). 


In Year 6, we are now aware of our 'panic, comfort and stretch zones'. We are aiming to reach for our 'stretch zone' because we now know that this is where we are going to learn best. 


'What temperature are you today?'

 This a key question that we have taken from the day. We know that if we have managed to get out of bed and get to school, we are definitely more than 0! 


Lots of key messages and strategies were provided today, which will help us as we make the transition into Year 7. Year 6 is a magical year, but we also know that it can come with its challenges. We know that many emotions will be felt throughout the year so it's important to remember that Mrs Garlick and Mr Kelleher will always be there when a chat or hug is needed. heart



Art - Experimenting with acrylic paint whilst printing in the style of William Morris.

Improvising the notes C, D, E, F and G!

St Patricks St Maries