Welcome to 4N
Welcome back to the summer term. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break spending time with family and friends. The 'Ancient Egyptians' will be the theme for our learning this term. We will travel back in time to explore where and when the Ancient Egyptians lived, what daily life was like, how hieroglyphics were used to communicate, what the gods and goddesses represented and who Tutankhamun was.
General Information
Please let the school office know if your contact details have changed in the event we need to get in touch with you.
This term, our P.E. lessons will be on Wednesday. Please send your child to school in their full P.E. kit. The children must have their school jumper or cardigans, no hoodies, please. We will also be swimming on Thursdays until 4th May.
The children are welcome to bring a snack to be eaten during morning or afternoon break times. Please ensure that these snacks are healthy!
Medical Conditions
If your child has a medical condition that we need to know about, please inform us as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler or any other medication, please make sure it has been returned to school and is not out of date.
Homework will be set online on the VLE every Monday from 4.30pm. Please encourage your child to complete the weekly tasks as well as reading each night (approximately 20 minutes). The children will be tested on their spellings and times tables regularly.
Spelling and Times Tables Links
Making sure that the children can quickly recall all the times tables facts and remember previous spelling words will really help their learning in Year 4. These websites help the children do this at their own pace and in a fun way.
www.purplemash.co.uk (children can use their school login)
Our class page will be regularly updated. Please enjoy browsing.
Thank you for all your support, it is hugely appreciated.
Mrs Neesam