On Tuesday 6th July, Year 5 were incredibly lucky as they got to go on a trip to Christ the King High School for an exciting Science Enrichment Experience. As soon as we walked in, our eyes were drawn to a crime scene in the corner of the room! We were informed that there had been a crime within the last 8 hours and it was our job to analyse the evidence to work out who had committed this dreadful murder!
We then spent the day in three different science labs conducting different investigations into the evidence.
1) We tested the pH level of soil found in the suspects' shoes
2) We used a Bunsen burner to test the elements found within the soil samples
3) We used a microscope to investigate the hair follicles and fibres found on the suspects' clothing
4) We tested the ink in the pens belonging to each of the victims, to see if it was a match to a note found at the crime scene
It was all fantastic fun and Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their experience!