Welcome to Year 6P
Welcome to our class page, we hope you find it useful. This term, leading up to Easter, is a fantastic opportunity to get engrossed in some new topics and thoroughly enjoy your Year 6 experience. From Algebra to Evolution, WW2 to programming technology - you are in for a treat!
Year 6 is a very important year for all of our students, and as a staff, we will work incredibly hard to make it their best year yet. Parents and students often have lots of questions about Year 6, so please feel free to contact school if you ever have any worries or would like a quick chat about your child. I know this year will be brilliant, and I'm really looking forward to working collaboratively with you and all our students, to ensure this year is successful and fun for all.
Please continue to check our page for regular curriculum updates and photographs. I am really looking forward to the exciting year ahead!
Mr Kelleher
General Information
Please let school know if any of your contact details have changed (phone number, email, addresses) in the event we need to call home or contact you.
Homework will be sent home every Monday and will consist of the following:
Completing homework on time, in an organised and structured way are excellent habits to encourage, which will prepare children for high school and form a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.
If your child is finding homework a challenge, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
This half term, our PE lessons will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. The children will wear their PE kits to school on that day. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit – branded shorts etc are not part of school uniform. On cooler days, the children may wear jogging bottoms, but they must still wear their school cardigan or jumper – no hoodies.
Please ensure that all school uniform is labelled with your child's name. Your child will be expected to wear their winter uniform from 30th October 2023.
A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date.
As we are a ‘Healthy School’ we would like to remind parents that a healthy snack at playtime is encouraged. Please don’t send any chocolate or sweets into school as a snack.