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Year 6M

Congratulations to the Y6 children for completing their SATs this week - they have all tried their hardest and we are so proud of them. As a special reward we had a fun afternoon, with treats and games. Well done! 

Summer Term


Welcome to the Summer term! This term is extremely busy for Y6, so please keep an eye out for the newsletters which will help you stay up to date.

Obviously, the SATs are on the horizon (9th-12th May) and we are working hard to help the children to feel as calm and well prepared as they can be.

You can help at home by making sure the children are well rested before each day. We all want the children to have the opportunity to do their best and we know they will try hard. 

In Come and See, our topics are centred around Serving and how we can be a good witness to our faith. Our Science topic will concentrate on Living Things and microorganisms, whilst PE will focus on Tennis and Athletics. 

The children have been invited to help contribute to the new school mural, to be painted on the Fun Day (7th July) and bring back to school their suggestions and ideas of what to include in the design. 

Thank you for all your help and support over the coming term - as always it is greatly appreciated.



Please feel free to contact school if you ever have any worries or would like a quick chat about your child.


Miss McAteer







We will send spellings, English and Maths homework out every Monday via the VLE or Purple Mash. Please encourage your children to complete their homework every week as well as reading each night. These are excellent habits to prepare children for high school and a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.

If your child is finding homework a challenge please let me know and we can discuss a solution.



 PE this term will be every Tuesday and Friday this term. Please ensure a full P.E. kit is worn (including warm jogger bottoms if cold) 



A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medication, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date. 


Contact Details

If you have updated your phone, email or recently moved, please update your contact details at the school office as soon as possible.

Coronation Picnic

SEAL Assembly & Winners of our Art competition

The children had fun using shading and blending to create perspective

International Maths Day - the children competed in Maths Quizzes online with students all over the world!

World Book Day- Y6 had a wonderful day celebrating the wonderful world of books!

Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Still image for this video

Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Still image for this video

Boom, Shake the Room!

Still image for this video



Well done to our new councillors in 6Mc. The children will now forge ahead and represent the class, make suggestions on behalf of the school to Mrs. Halsall and think of ways, working together, to improve our school and live out our Mission Statement. 

Hello Yellow Day - exploring our emotions

Year 6 Maths Objectives - Autumn Term

Year 6 - Spring Term Maths Objectives

St Patricks St Maries