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Year 4N


Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Neesam's Class


Autumn Term 2018




Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a wonderful Summer break enjoying precious time with family and friends. It's exciting to enter the Autumn Term with new topics to explore and we will have fun learning together.



This term, we will be learning about the Roman Conquest and occupation of Britain.  This is a centre of learning that will enable you to study the Roman way of life including homes, cooking, religion, food, entertainment and trade.  There will be many opportunities for collaborative work, independent research and drama.  The Creative History Overview below shows how subjects connect through this topic making it exciting and fun.


We will visit the Dewa Roman History Museum soon and march through the streets of Chester as Roman soldiers. 





Children are asked to bring their reading book and diary to school each day as this will enable me to provide a comment to inform you when Guided Reading sessions have taken place. Please spend time with your child discussing the setting, characters and development of plot to further their understanding of the text. Books are logged and children are encouraged to clearly note dates and pages read. Feedback from parents/carers is always greatly appreciated.




Homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned in the folder provided the following Friday. Weekly homework will include a Maths based activity to reinforce learning which has taken place during the week and a spelling activity. The children will be tested each Friday on the spelling words and they will be assessed each Monday on times table facts.



We have P.E. sessions each Wednesday and Friday and our units of study are currently Hockey and Dance. Please ensure full P.E. kit is brought to school and that items are clearly labelled.





smileyFun in Chestersmiley

We had an amazing time in Chester training to be Roman Soldiers. The shoppers stopped in their tracks as we confidently marched through the streets armed with shields and we ventured to the Roman Gardens where we learned to attack the enemy in the tortoise formation.

The Interactive Room was fun and we had the opportunity to dress up, ride in a chariot, pretend to be slaves and complete practical challenges.

Mrs Neesam was hoping we would all snooze on the coach on the way back to school- no chance!

Meet our School and Eco Council

Celebrating Roald Dahl Day on 13th September

Violin Sessions with Mrs Reed

Hockey with Mr Beckham

Collective Worship

Maths Autumn Term Objectives

Spring Creative Overview

Spring Term Maths Objectives

St Patricks St Maries