Mrs Taylor's Class
Welcome back, 3T!
I hope you have all had a wonderful break and enjoyed some of the sunshine that we had. I am really looking forward to spending this final term with you, we are going to have a blast!
During this term, we will be finishing our study of our local area and then moving on to our Titanic project - how exciting!
Hopefully, we will have a sunny half term. Please still bring your coats to school as we aim to go out for our breaks in rain or shine!
General Information
We encourage all children to read for 20 minutes each night - independently or to an adult. Our current focus this term is fluency and expression. In the classroom, we will be reading each week to our friends and teachers. Please feel free to read school books alongside your children's favourites at home!
Please ensure your child keeps their reading book and reading record in their bags so that they are accessible throughout the week.
Homework will be sent home on Monday each week.
I will be uploading one piece of Maths homework and spellings each week via the VLE. Both pieces of work will be uploaded by 4.30pm every Monday and the children will have one week to complete them. I am using the VLE in the classroom to help develop the children's confidence and independence. Please contact me if you have any further questions.
The children will be tested on their spellings the following Monday. The spelling test will be in a mixed order.
Times tables:
Making sure that the children can quickly recall their times table facts will really help with their learning in Years 3 and 4. The following websites will help the children do this, at their own pace, and in a fun way.
Purple Mash (children have their own login details)
The children will be tested on their times tables every Friday afternoon. We are currently focusing on our 3s, 4s, 8s and 11s.
This term, our PE lessons will take place on a Friday afternoon. Please send your child to school in their full PE kit. In colder temperatures, your child is welcome to wear joggers / leggings to keep them warm. Your child must have their school jumper or cardigan, no hoodies, please.
We will be starting swimming lessons on Thursday 16th June until Thursday 14th July. Your child will need a full-piece costume or trunks, a swimming hat and a towel. If you have any questions or concerns about the lessons, just pop in and speak to me! :)
The children are welcome to bring a snack to school for morning and afternoon breaks. Please ensure that these snacks are healthy!
Medical Conditions
A quick reminder! If your child has a medical condition that we need to know about, please inform us as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler or any other medication, please make sure it has been returned to school and is not out of date.
School and Eco Council
The children in Year 3T did an amazing job with their School and Eco Council manifestos. I am so proud of the efforts that each child went to - they are a credit to themselves and their year group.