Special Educational Needs and/or Disability
St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School is a very happy and friendly school where children grow, develop and learn in a caring and loving environment. We value the preciousness of each pupil, treating everyone as a unique individual of inherent worth.
As a school, we value the strong partnership that we have with our parents, local community and parish family. Together, we work hard to support every individual child to help them to achieve their full potential; academically, socially, morally, physically and spiritually.
SEND and the Curriculum
Children in school can present with a range of additional needs. The emphasis of our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) policy is on the early identification of any difficulties that a child may have. We aim to respond to these needs by offering an appropriate learning environment, in which a range of differentiated activities and learning styles are provided. We ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive and accessible for all children, ensuring children with additional needs have every opportunity to succeed, regardless of their barriers to learning. The development of our curriculum considers pupils' barriers and how they can be addressed through the planning and delivery of lessons that build on skills and knowledge from previous years. The curriculum reflects learning about influential people that have shaped the world in which we live today to ensure that there is a breadth of knowledge across all subjects, for all pupils.
Each curriculum area topic that is studied introduces new vocabulary, building on what has been learned before to ensure children are able to progress with their learning. These learning experiences will also enable children to talk confidently about their topics and academic journeys.
Our philosophy is that the curriculum is delivered to all children through inclusive Quality First Teaching principles. If we think it is necessary to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individual children, then we do so in consultation with the child, their parents/carers and relevant external agencies. If a child has an identified special educational need or disability, our school does all it can to meet these individual needs through our early identification and intervention pathway. (Assess, Plan, Do, Review). Teachers use SEND Support Plans and monitor progress of children through the graduated approach, ensuring provision is responsive to need as well as being regularly reviewed.
Our provision for SEND children complies with the requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice [2014].
Our curriculum is designed to:
· Be ambitious for all pupils with SEND.
· Ensure early identification and assessment of the needs of pupils with SEND.
· Develop and adapt the curriculum considering pupils’ needs, starting points, and aspirations for the future.
· Involve parents and carers in the decision-making process of how best to support their child with SEND.
· Liaise with the relevant professional agencies to decide how best to support pupils with SEND.
· Rigorously monitor outcomes in order to diminish the difference.
· Provide additional provision within our school for each area of need.
· Include all pupils in every aspect of school life to promote hopes, aspirations and develop talents in all areas of life.
· Prepare pupils not only for their next steps in education but for their journey into adulthood.
· Enable pupils to flourish in the world beyond the classroom, as citizens in our diverse and culturally rich society.
Children will leave St. Patrick’s as confident and competent learners who are positive and resilient and possess the skills, knowledge and language to contribute to their community and continue their learning in high school and beyond.
Pupil Voice at St Patrick's
"Learning is fun and I am enjoying school life because I am always making new friends. I love learning and have enjoyed our school trips." - Year 6
"I have a quiet, calm area in my classroom with toys that help me when I need to fiddle." - Year 5
"I enjoy spending time with my TA who helps me to learn my times tables." - Year 4
"I have lots of friends in school."- Year 3
"My favourite thing in school has been using the peg boards, P.E. cutting games and flash cards". -Year 2
"Taking toys into school for Golden Time is fun." - Year 1
" I like dressing up and using the Netbooks." -Reception
Key Details:
SENCO - Mrs R. Garlick
email: inclusion@stpatricks.sefton.school
Below you will find our Accessibility Plan, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, SEND Policy, SEND Information Report and Local Offer.