Welcome to Year 3
with Mrs Neesam
I hope you all had a lovely Half Term break spending time with your family and friends. I am looking forward to the next six weeks which will be filled with new and exciting learning opportunities.
General Information
Pupils are asked to bring their reading books and diary to school each day as this will enable me to provide a comment and inform you when Guided Reading sessions have taken place during the week. Please spend time with your child discussing the setting, characters and development of the plot to further their understanding of the text.
Pupils will begin to record their independent reading as the year progresses and it is important that parents/carers provide feedback based on completed reading at home.
Pupils are welcome to bring their own small snacks to be eaten during morning or afternoon breaks. Snacks should be a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar. Chocolate bars and crisps are not considered to be healthy snacks.
Homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned in the folder provided the following Friday. Weekly homework will include a Maths and spelling based activity to reinforce learning that has taken place during the week.
The pupils will be tested each Friday on the spelling words and assessed each Monday on times table facts. In addition to this, pupils will receive occasional homework activities/projects throughout the year relating to the creative topics which I'm sure they will enjoy.
During the Spring Term, P.E. sessions will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays - our current units of study are Gymnastics and Hockey. Please ensure a full P.E kit is brought into school and that items are clearly labelled. Thank you.
We are enjoying our current Geography unit this term. Each of us researched a European country and its capital city and we used our ICT skills to produce a fact sheet based on famous landmarks and climate.
We are now able to locate many countries in Europe and are keen to visit them when we are older!
Using the eight compass points, we are learning to describe the location of counties and cities in the UK.
Collective Worship is special for everyone in our school and we gather together each day to reflect and thank God. Through 'Come and See' we have been learning about the Liturgical Year and the seasons and feasts we celebrate as a community.
We spent time reflecting on Mary's Journey with Jesus and prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary together.
We shared the story, 'Two Monsters' by David McKee. It was about two monsters who failed to communicate with each other, they didn't listen because they thought the other was different.
We were divided into two groups and separated by chairs and tables. The chairs represented the mountain that divided the monsters in the story and our job was to break them down using our knowledge of one another.
Slowly but surely, the rocks of the mountain broke away as we said positive things about our peers on the other side of the mountain. We recognised how much we have in common with each other and communicated well.
I am very proud of all the children who put themselves forward to represent the class as a potential Eco and School Councillor. The individual presentations were excellent and the results were close.
Congratulations to Charlotte and Harry who were voted by the class to be our Eco Councillors and to Aaron and Pippa who will represent Year 3N on the School Council.