Home Page

Year 6F

Welcome to Year 6F's Class Page




Dear parents/carers,


It has been so wonderful to have all the children back in school. They have been amazing, coping admirably with the return to school and adapting to the ever changing landscape we have found ourselves in. We also have had to adapt as teachers, and as such, we have had to change the curriculum we deliver. Due to constrictions when we were locked down, we made the decision to teach some topics in a different order to normal. With this in mind, please find the 'Amended Long Term Curriculum' for Y6 at the end of the page, that we will subsequently follow for the remainder of the year.


Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss anything. Thank you for all your help and continued support, it is greatly appreciated. 

Mrs Forden

Our rainbow of hope



General Information

Contact Details

If you have updated your phone, or recently moved, please update your contact details at the school office as soon as possible, this assists us greatly to keep our files up to date.

Medical Conditions

A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date. 


Children are invited to bring their own snacks to be eaten during morning or afternoon break times.  Snacks should be a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar.  Chocolate bars and crisps are not considered to be healthy snacks.

P.E. sessions take place each Monday, although this may be subject to changes throughout the school year. Please ensure a full P.E. kit is worn to school on this day with a school jumper or cardigan.


Homework will be set, in line with school policy, each Monday.  The instructions will be posted each week on the class blog on the VLE. This policy may change in the coming weeks and months. We appreciate your patience and understanding over the new ways in which homework will have to be completed. Please encourage your child to complete all their homework tasks every week as well as reading each night (approx. 20-30mins).

Online books are available for children to read via Oxford Owl. On here you will find a range of different books.

Oxford Owl Link:

username: year6forden 

password: 6f2020

Homework is a great way to prepare children for high school and a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.
If your child is finding homework a challenge please do not hesitate to contact me so that we can discuss it together.


Y6 Amended Curriculum Overview 2020-21

Year 6 Autumn Term Maths Objectives

Autumn Term Creative Overview

Hello Yellow Day 9.10.20

Spring Term Maths Objectives

Wally Cain Dance Workshop

 The children recently had the opportunity to take part in a dance workshop, which they all thoroughly enjoyed. They developed and learned a routine and were able to perform it as a class. They did a super job and the end performance was brilliant. Well done to all those who took part!

St Patricks St Maries