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Year 6M

 Year 6Mc


The Summer term is always a busy one, so please check the regular newsletters which have lots of dates to save. Don't forget that Y6 will have their leavers Mass as part of our St. Peter and St. Paul celebration this year, if you are able to join us, Y6 parents are invited to come along. It will be held at St. Patricks Church on 29th June at 2pm.


Our Wally Cain dancers perform 28th June at the Atkinson  - thank you to Mrs. Neesam for giving up her time. The children have worked very hard and are looking forward to the performance and we wish them them the best of luck!


Thursday 30th June is Y6 Transition Day - you should have received information from your child's High school about the arrangements, if not please check with the High school for further information.


I would like to say a 'well done' to all the children for completing their SATs before the half term - they all did a wonderful job.







School Uniform

All children should now be wearing our Summer uniform; please ensure that children wear black school shoes and not trainers; shoulder length hair should be tied back (plaits, bunches or ponytail) and ribbons and headbands should be royal blue/blue in colour and suitable for school.  My thanks for supporting our uniform policy which ensures that our pupils always look their best! 






General Information




Come and See

Next half term in Come and See we will be thinking about how we can be a good 'Witness' to our faith, Healing and  working for our world and the Common Good.



Please let school know if any of your contact details have changed (phone number, email, addresses etc) in the event we need to call home or contact you. 




We will post spellings, English and Maths homework every MONDAY on Purple Mash, or the VLE to be completed by the following week, with the children tested on their spellings each Friday. Please encourage your children to complete their homework every week as well as reading each night (approximately 20-30mins).

Completing homework on time, in an organised and structured way are excellent habits to encourage, which will prepare children for high school and form a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.

If your child is finding homework a challenge please don’t hesitate to let me know.




Children may bring in a healthy snack for play times, such as fruit or a cereal bar. Crisps and chocolate are not considered a healthy snack.



 P.E. sessions will take place every Monday The children will wear their PE kits to school on that day.



A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date. 


Councillors for 6Mc



Eco- Councillors :  Ellie and Leah

School Councillors: Isla and Finlay





As stated in this weeks Newsletter, reading is a key component of learning. It opens the doorway to all the other subjects and is a vital skill for adult life. Learning to read with fluency and understanding can only be reached through practise, which is why we encourage the children to read as much as they can. Reading should also be a pleasurable activity, whether that be by yourself in a cosy corner, or reading aloud and sharing a story. At school we are currently reading a story by Malorie Blackman, which has generated a lot of thought and discussion.  Life is certainly very busy, but if possible set aside some time for a story or two and enjoy.

Rubik Cube Champion 2021! Thomas won a Rubik cube competition - completing a mixed-up rubik in an astounding 14seconds!

School Mission Statement Day



Mission Statement

Faithfully following in the footsteps of Jesus, we serve, love and learn together inspiring each other to excellence.


This week we took a moment in our busy school timetable to re-focus and think about our school Mission Statement and what it means to us as a school, and as individuals. We thought carefully about how we can 'Follow in the Footsteps of Jesus' in our daily lives and fulfil our promise to 'serve, love and learn together.'

The children (and staff!) had a wonderful day, exploring how we can embody the Mission Statement and inspire each other to excellence.

Voting for our Councillors

C&S Our Visit to Church to interview Fr. John about Vocation and Commitment

Celebrating Advent

Enjoying Our Music

Our Eco Councillors gifted each class a plant

St Patricks St Maries