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Vocation and Commitment


Over the last 4 weeks, the children have been exploring the theme, ' Vocation and Commitment'. Part of their learning has been understanding the process of ordination, the calling of a priest. 


 A priest chooses to follow Jesus in the service of others in the Church. This is his response to God’s call to a life lived with love for God’s people. The apostles were called by Jesus to follow Him and, in response, they left everything to be with him. This is also true of every Christian and is especially true of the call to be a priest.


Father John very kindly met the Year 6 children to talk about his ordination. Our wonderful Year 6 children asked many insightful questions to help develop their understanding. 


A very special thank you to Father John for enabling this wonderful opportunity to take place. 


A visit to Church to ask Father John questions about his ordination.

Mission Day Values - Exploring the value, loyalty.

St Patricks St Maries