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Year 6M

Welcome Back


Welcome back and a very Happy New Year!  I hope you feel rested and ready to go as this term will be busy! Year 6 will have their 'Sports Skills Day' with Mr.Beckham, based on Hockey and fitness this term- the children really enjoy these special sessions as they learn so many new skills in a fun way. We also have our Class Mass in February where we can celebrate as a year group and give thanks for our blessings and look towards the next term. After half-term, parents evenings will take place, giving us an opportunity to discuss progress and acknowledge the hard work the children have achieved so far this year. While this term is relatively short, we will be working hard to ensure that the children continue to develop their understanding of all the topics across the curriculum and feel prepared for the summer term.


Please feel free to contact school if you ever have any worries or would like a quick chat about your child.


Miss McAteer


General Information


Children are asked to bring their reading book and diary to school on a daily basis as this will enable me to provide a comment  to inform parents when children

have taken part in Guided Reading sessions.  Reading diaries are also to be used by the children to record what they have read and for parents/carers to provide feedback, or make comments, on the reading they have done with their child.





We will send spellings, English and Maths homework out every Friday to be returned to school the following Wednesday. Please encourage your children to complete their homework every week as well as reading each night. These are excellent habits to prepare children for high school and a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.

If your child is finding homework a challenge please come into school so we can discuss it together.


P.E. sessions will take place every Tuesday/Thursday, this term the children will be learning handball, dance and gymnastics.  Please ensure a full P.E. kit is brought to school and that items are clearly labelled. 



A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medication, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date. 


Contact Details

If you have updated your phone, or recently moved, please update your contact details at the school office as soon as possible.





Belonging - What it means to have a Vocation


As part of our exploration of 'Ordination' and 'Vocation', Year 6 visited Father John this November, at Church, to ask questions and learn more about the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The children were fascinated to learn about the life of a priest and how Father John recognised his calling to the Priesthood. Asking many questions, the children learned about how Father John was inspired, who helped him realise his vocation and what it takes to be a priest in todays modern society.

Discussing the ceremony of 'Ordination', Father John explained the Sacrament of Holy Orders and the symbolism of items received by the would-be priest during the Mass. He recalled how precious his own Ordination was and Year 6 returned to school with a deeper understanding of 'Vocation' and 'Ordination' and a greater appreciation of Father John and all that he does for our parish community.

Vocation and Ordination

Spring Term Overview

St Patricks St Maries