Maya is always a super star in our classroom. She is hard working and conscientious and always gives every piece of work her all. She has been a super friend to others and always has a smile for everyone. Well done Maya!
Ollie has been a super star in all his work this week. He has done a great job both in his Maths and Science and he is consistently joining in with class discussion to answer questions and share his ideas. Super job Ollie.
Patrick has really turned a corner this week. His attitude towards his learning has been excellent and his contribution in class discussions has been fantastic. He has shown a great understanding of money during our Maths sessions and his mental calculation of sets of coins is brilliant! Great job Patrick! I am so proud of how hard you have worked this week!
Shas has been an absolute superstar settling into our class. He may have only joined two weeks ago but no one would know. He is a super friend and always has a nice thing to say about everyone. He has given every task 100% and is a wonderful asset to 4T. Keep it up Shas!
This week we have two stars of the week -
Oliver has worked really hard this week and has really made the effort to put his hand up and contribute in whole class discussions. He has been a superstar with his reading and is showing a new found confidence and enjoyment of reading. Keep up the great work Oliver.
Zaid has been a super friend this week. He is so caring and considerate and he has gone out of his way to be welcoming and friendly to Shas who has joined our class this week. Thank you for being a superstar Zaid.
Effie is always such a hard working member of the class. This week she has ensured all of her work is completed to the best of her ability and that she has taken onboard all and any feedback given to her. She has also been an incredibly helpful member of class who can always be relied on to help. Keep it up Effie!
This week we have two stars of the week -
Ella has been such a superstar since the return of our whole class to school. She is calm and considerate and always checking to make sure her friends are feeling happy. Her work is beautifully presented and she always tries her best in everything that she does.
Harry has worked so hard over the last coupe of weeks. He has taken on board feedback and his work has improved every lesson. Harry's Maths is excellent and his knowledge of fractions is fantastic. He has done such a great job sharing his understanding with others. Keep up with this brilliant attitude Harry!
What a super star Heidi has been this week! She has done a fantastic job with her writing and written a wonderful information text using all that she has leant during our Romans topic. Super work Heidi!
Jamie has had an excellent attitude to his work this week. He has been really focused in class and has worked hard to ensure that his work is completed to the best of his ability. Jamie has been a real team player and done a super job. Keep it up Jamie!
Sam has been a superstar this week. He has worked so hard in his Maths and he always has his hand up to answer questions and to explain his reasoning. He has worked well independently and is really gaining confidence! Wow Sam! You are doing a great job. Keep it up!
Lewis has worked really hard this week, particularly in his Maths. He has been practising his time tables and is working week on week to improve his score in the ICT suite. Lewis has tried hard in all his work and is really developing his problem solving and reasoning skills. Keep up the hard work Lewis.
Anya is our star of the week for being an absolute superstar! She has worked so hard with ever task that she has been given and been really focused. Her reading has really improved and she has been full of enthusiasm. Well done Anya, keep it up!
Our star of the week for our first week back after half term is Myles. He has come back into class with a super attitude and he has worked hard to ensure that he completes all his work on time. Super job Myles!
Olivia has worked really hard this week. She has contributed well in class discussions and can always be relied upon to share her ideas and answer questions in class. Well done Olivia!
Tallulah has been a fantastic learner in our class this week. She has really focused and tried hard to share her thoughts and ideas. Her discussion in Come and See this week was excellent and she was extremely reflective and thoughtful linking her own ideas to the Bible stories that she listened to. Well done Tallulah!
Stanley has been a super star this week. He has worked so hard and shown a great understanding particularly in our Maths work. He has listened carefully and focused on his work to ensure he has completed each task and challenged himself to complete his next steps and extension tasks. Great work Stan!
Faith is our star of the week this week! She has worked incredibly hard in every lesson and her work, particularly in English, has been outstanding. Faith has written a wonderful diary entry for one of the characters in our class book and included some excellent expanded noun phrases. Well Done Faith!
Jack M
Jack has had a super week! He has been really focused and engaged and he has contributed well in every lesson. He always has his hand up to answer questions and share ideas and the work he has produced has been super! Great job Jack!
Jemima is the star of the week this week. She has worked incredibly hard all week and really focused on our work looking at extended noun phrases. Jemima has written a wonderful setting description and used a wide and varied vocabulary. Well done Jemima!
Logan is our star of the week this week. He has worked really hard this week to ensure that he is following our class rules. He has come back to school with a super attitude and he has tried really hard with his writing! Well done Logan!
Daisy is our first star of the week. She has settled back into school like a superstar and has done her best to look out for others and be a good friend. Well done Daisy!