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Year 5W

 This is a very exciting year for the children in 5W. They are getting older and able to

accept more responsibilities. They will be offered the opportunity to undertake training for cycling proficiency and structured play. Members of the class will run for election to the school and eco councils and will have to secure votes from the whole of Key Stage 2. This will mean that those running for office will need to produce detailed manifestos.


This term our creative topic will be on 'Invaders and Settlers' and we will find out about life in Britain between the Romans leaving in the 5th century AD and the Norman invasion in 1066. See the topic overview below.

Our creative topic this term will be 'France'. We will be looking at the geography of the country including landscapes, biomes and tourism. See document below for topic details. The children can look forward to trips to Stanley and Greenbank High Schools for exciting learning experiences.

Useful Information Year 5 – Miss Woods



This will be given to the children on Monday to be completed by the following Monday. It can be handed in at any time during the week. It will usually be maths reinforcement or research.


These will be given on Wednesday to be tested on the following Wednesday. Your child may hand the exercise sheet in at any time during the week but please make sure he/she has a copy of the spellings at home so that he/she can learn them. Learning a few each night and revising them the next day is much more effective than learning them all for hours on Tuesday evening! Try starting with the three hardest ones.


Tables are important and will be tested on Monday. We will start with revision of tables already covered and when most children are confident with a table we will move on to the next one.


Please encourage your child to read for at least 10-15mins every night. The children have reading diaries. They must fill in the date and pages read and make a comment on what they have read. Children may borrow books from the class library, but please make sure they return them when the book has been read.


It would be very useful if you can help your child to learn to tell the time using an analogue (proper) clock face e.g. ¼ past 7 etc. Also they need practice with the 24hr clock.


Please help your children with their homework, but don’t do it for them. Encourage the children to look at their homework early then if there are any problems they can ask for assistance in school before the given deadline. Help your children to get their homework in on time – it is not optional.


If you or your child has a problem with anything to do with school or has any other problems, which may affect their schoolwork, please do not hesitate to approach me.



P.E. Kit

The school P.E. kit is: white t-shirt, blue shorts and pumps, not training shoes, for inside work. Training shoes may be worn for outside lessons.

If your child does not bring a P.E. kit into school on several occasions a letter will be sent home.

We will have P.E. on Wednesday and Friday

The children will be swimming this year

If your child is not doing P.E. for any reason a letter is required.

Encourage your child to be responsible for having their kit in school on the right day.



Winter uniform, shirts and ties (not polo shirts) is required to be worn after the October half term.



A note about absence is required. In an emergency a telephone call is acceptable, but a note must support the absence at a later date.

If medicines are to be given by the teacher a medical form, available from the office,  is required.


The Week At A Glance


Monday                 Homework                         Tables test              


Wednesday            Spelling test                       Spelling homework      PE/ Games


Thursday               Change reading books for children still on school readers

Friday               Brass lesson   PE/Games


Please make sure all of your child’s clothing is labelled. Thanks

Invaders and Settlers Topic Overview

France - a geography topic Spring 2015

St Patricks St Maries