Year 3E's Class Page
Welcome back Year 3! I hope you all had a good Easter break. I am looking forward to our new topics of Playscripts, Fairy tales, Land Use, Forces and Magnets, Pentecost (Come and See) and our new History topic, 'The Titanic'; and I very much believe 3E will enjoy their learning too!
General Information
During the Summer Term, P.E. sessions will take place each Friday. Please ensure a full P.E. kit is worn to school on this day, along with a jumper/cardigan.
Children are invited to bring their own snacks to school for morning and afternoon breaks. Snacks should be a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar. Chocolate bars and crisps are not considered to be healthy snacks.
Contact Details
If you have updated your phone/recently moved, please inform the school office as soon as possible.
Medical Conditions
If your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date.
Every Monday, your child will bring one reading book home. This book will be wiped down before being put into your child's book bag. This reading book must be kept at home and returned back to school on Thursday. This gives some time for your child to read with you and ideally finish their book. Returned books will go into quarantine for 72 hours to ensure they are safe to be placed back into our school library on the following Monday. We will not be changing books on any other days during the week so your child will only need to bring their bag to school on Mondays and Thursdays. Your child will also bring a Reading Record book home. This may be returned to school on Mondays and Thursdays to communicate about your child's reading at home. In the current situation, this Reading Record is only for use at home. Your child will continue to read from separate reading books whilst in school.
Online books are also available for children to read via Oxford Owl. On here you will find a range of different books.
Oxford Owl Link:
username: year3missedmonds
password: 3E2020
Jumpers, Cardigans and Water Bottles
Please remember to clearly label all jumpers and cardigans so we can return them to the correct owner at the end of each school day. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school each day. Your child's bottle should contain only water.
Homework will be set online every Monday from 4.30pm. The children will have a week to complete their set task. Your child's login details can be found inside their Reading Record book. Please keep a note of these at home.
Our class page will be regularly updated. Please enjoy browsing the gallery of photographs which will shortly follow. Thank you for all your support, it is greatly appreciated especially during these unusual times.
Miss Edmonds
Year 3 Subject Overviews