Welcome back
Welcome back to school for Summer 2. I hope you've had a wonderful half term break. I have no doubt that the children will continue where they left off before half term, working hard and faithfully following in the footsteps of Jesus. We have another jam packed half term
This half term sees us studying the USA in Geography. In English, we will be studying instruction texts and in Maths we are looking at decimals, money and much more.
In terms of updates on this page, please note our new PE and the additional note about Maths homework and daily reading in class. Regarding times tables, it is very important that the children continue to practice their times tables as much as possible in order to secure fluency.
Please continue to check our page for regular curriculum updates and photographs.
Mr Holmes
***Maths update***
Over the next few weeks, I will post some short videos in the Maths folder at the bottom of this page. These will cover the Maths we have looked at in lessons and some of the strategies we have used. There is no expectation from me that children do extra homework as a result of these videos. They are simply there so that you, as parents and carers, and the children have permanent access to what we have learned in class. I hope you find the videos helpful.
Update - January 2024 - Purple Mash has some great mini games for practising times tables. However, I recognise they can be a little dry. As such, I will put a QR code in the window each week for you to scan with your mobile phone. It will take you to a times table game for your child to play (once you have the weblink on your phone you can copy it into your child's tablet at home). Let me know how it goes. If there's a preference for just setting times tables on Purple Mash, I'll go back to that. If you'd prefer me to set both Purple Mash and a QR code, I can do that - just let me know.
Either way I will continue to put a sign up letting you know which times tables to concentrate on at home with your child.
***Reading update***
Reading update - January 2024 - We will be doing individual reading every day in class so it is important that children bring their current reading book and reading record into school with them every day.
Guided Reading - We will be continuing our Guided Reading this half term by looking at a text throughout each week in school. To help your child with the week's lessons they can read the text by clicking in the Guided Reading folder at the bottom of this page. Here they will see the text that we will read in class. Discussing the text with your child and answering any queries about the contents is a great way to help out.
Reading is incredibly important, not to mention great fun! I have spoken to the children about reading certificates that I am keen to award. To help me do this, I have asked that they bring their reading records into school daily, but especially on Mondays. Every time your child reads (including in school) they should record it in their reading diary. Reading doesn't just have to be from a book. It can be a comic, magazine, online article....anything!
At the moment, I intend to award certificates for: 10 days, 25 days, 50 days and 100 days reading as well as for reading 10 and 20 books. I hope that I will have to make certificates for 150 days and 30 and 50 books later in the year.
Please let school know if any of your contact details have changed (phone number, email, addresses) in the event we need to call home or contact you.
Homework will be sent home from Monday 18th September 2023. We will upload spellings, English and Maths every Monday on Purple Mash or the VLE, to be completed by the following Monday. The children will be tested on their spellings on Monday mornings. Please encourage your child to complete their homework every week, as well as reading each night (approximately 20-30mins).
If your child is finding homework a challenge, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Spelling and Times Tables Links
Making sure that the children can quickly recall all the times tables facts and remember previous spelling words will really help their learning in Year 4. These websites help the children do this at their own pace and in a fun way.
www.purplemash.co.uk (children can use their school login)
This half term, our PE lessons will now take place on Tuesday and Thursday. The children will wear their PE kits to school on that day. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit – branded shorts etc are not part of school uniform. On cooler days, the children may wear jogging bottoms, but they must still wear their school cardigan or jumper – no hoodies.
Please ensure that all school uniform is labelled with your child's name. Your child will be expected to wear their winter uniform from 30th October 2023. Summer uniform can be worn straight away after Easter.
A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date.
As we are a ‘Healthy School’ we would like to remind parents that a healthy snack at playtime is encouraged. Please don’t send any chocolate or sweets into school as a snack.