Home Page

Year 2A

Hello and welcome to Year 2A's class page


Summer Term

This term we will be learning about Florence Nightingale. We will be exploring her background and influence on modern day hospitals and nursing. We are particularly looking forward to designing and creating our own lanterns and trying our hand at learning some basic First Aid. 


General Information


Reading books



Children will be given 3 reading books at a time. They will be given a specific day of the week and their books will be changed on that day if they have been completed and their reading record signed. 

During and after completion of the book, please spend time discussing the setting, characters and key words from the story to further your childs understanding of the text.

Children are asked to bring their books into school on a daily basis as this will enable me to write a comment in their Reading Diary when they have taken part in either Guided or Individual reading.




Our class P.E lessons will take place on Friday. Please ensure your child has their full, named P.E kit in class on these days.




Please ensure that all items of uniform are named so that if they are left they can be returned to their correct owners.
Due to the changeable weather please ensure that suitable clothing is brought to school including a waterproof coat. 

St Patricks St Maries