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Live, Love, Dance
Everyone can dance, regardless of their age, ability, gender or cultural background. When children move creatively or spontaneously to music, the expression on their faces illustrate total involvement and enjoyment and reflects their thoughts and feelings.
Dance makes a unique and distinctive contribution to the education of all children and, indeed, some can express themselves far more easily through dance than through written or spoken word. Dance makes an invaluable contribution to the personal development of children and positively encourages growth of self-confidence and self-esteem.
 Live, Love, Dance
Children enter school with a range of movement experiences and they already posses the ability to express themselves through their dance.

The Wally Cain Festival
For a number of years, the children of St. Patrick’s have participated in the annual Wally Cain Festival throughout the Summer Term. The Festival is especially for schools from the Southport area and over 40 Primary schools participate in the Festival.
The children are taught a contemporary dance which is aimed at a selection of Year 5 and 6 children of all abilities with the final piece being performed in front of a large audience in Southport Floral Hall
The annual Wally Cain Dance Festival preparations are underway. Twenty two year 6 children, boys and girls are working hard to choreograph a seven minute routine through contemporary dance to suit the theme.
The children use voiles, ribbon wands and hoops to enhance the visual appeal and up tempo modern music as the stimulus to get them in the mood!

St Patricks St Maries