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Statements to live by

Statements to Live By


'Statements to Live By' are a bank of 36 statements rooted in nine guiding principles which support the distinctive nature of Catholic School. 


The Statements make the Catholic values of a school explicit, promote a positive and caring Christian ethos that is understood and communicated to everyone, as well as developing emotional literacy and contributing towards the common good. 


They ensure that young people are given opportunities to:

  • Hear the Christian story and encounter Jesus. 
  • Understand their uniqueness as made in the image and likeness of God.
  • Experience a sense of belonging within a range of communities, including the local Eucharistic community. 
  • Know, appreciate and understand the importance of social justice.
  • Know that our limitations are also opportunities for growth.
  • Understand the connection between knowledge and living.
  • Know that everything has the opportunity to reveal God's presence to us, e.g. to see the divine in the ordinary.
  • Forgive and be forgiven, to reconcile and to be reconciled.
  • Experience fun, humour, imagination, creativity, play and excitement in life. 


In our school, we share these statements throughout the year, both as a whole school and in the classroom, with a focus on out common belief in the Gospel Values. We hope that together we will nurture a sense of what it is to be fully human and alive as children and adults sharing in this Christian community.


Please see the attached document which outlines our termly focused Statements to Live By.

Statements to Live By Overview

St Patricks St Maries