As a Catholic school we:
• Endeavour to make our school a place where God's love for us is shared and nurtured. A place where the teachings of Christ can be seen as relevant and active within each individual’s experience and followed by:
- Creating a happy, family, whole school spirit.
- Supporting families both emotionally and socially.
- Making space each day for sincere moments of prayer, reflection and worship formally
and informally, individually and collectively.
- Promoting positive attitudes and behaviour and using positive language
- Treating misdemeanours with justice and forgiveness.
- Promoting stewardship of God’s planet.
- Following Christ’s example and celebrating success, but also to be kind and supportive towards those with additional needs.
- Recognising the unique qualities of each individual and encouraging self-discipline, self-respect and tolerance of each other.
- Fostering relationships based on respect, love and trust.
- All teaching and non-teaching staff leading by example.
- Celebrating year group reflections and Masses together.
- Displaying supportive relationships within the staffing and pupil systems.
- Appreciating that the planning and teaching of Religious Education is a core subject in our school curriculum.
- Providing opportunities for pupils to plan and lead their own worship.
- Displaying our Mission Statement in every classroom, on all classroom doors and in key areas around school.
- Encouraging the development and training of all our staff their commitment to and pride in each other and our school.
• Establish and build upon the firm foundations for successful lifelong learning and fulfilment of each individual’s potential by:
- Ensuring a balanced, broad-based, curriculum promoting the spiritual, moral,
mental and physical development of each child, and helping to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of Christian adult life.
- Offering a wealth of experiences to broaden and enrich our curriculum.
- Educating all and appreciating that every individual matters, including those who are socially, academically, physically or emotionally disadvantaged.
- Celebrating differences and embracing an inclusive ethos.
- Celebrating successes and achievements at special assemblies.
- Ensuring a strong pupil voice and maintaining a long-established School Council.
- Actively providing opportunities for pupils to assume positions of responsibility.
- Creating a learning environment which contributes to building self-esteem, confidence, independence and setting high expectations.
- Planning to cater for all children of multiple intelligences by creating different learning styles.
- Ensuring that children of higher abilities are suitably challenged.
- Ensuring that the transition across all Key Stages is smooth.
- Offering a full range of after school clubs.
• Establish and develop a partnership in faith building together upon home, school, parish and wider community links, to prepare for the future by:
- Working in positive partnership with parents, the Parish and the wider community. Parents are the first teachers of their children.
- Continue to embed the Home/School Agreement which reflects our partnership working together with school, parish and wider community.
- Offering an 'open door' policy at the start and end of each day so parents can speak to individual teachers and seek advice or support
- Supporting the preparation and celebration of the Sacraments of the Eucharist, First Forgiveness and Confirmation in our parish.
- Celebrating year group, Key Stage 2 Masses and our annual Leaver’s Mass with our parish priest and parishioners.
- Ensuring important Catholic feasts and celebrations are recognised by enacting the Passion of Our Lord, school nativity plays, celebrating feast days and opportunities for daily Collective Worship.
- Being an active part of the faith development of our pupils, alongside parents and parish.
- Forging links with our local Catholic high school, Christ the King.
- Fostering close relationships with other schools as part of the Southport Learning Partnership.
- Encouraging our parents and Governors to play an active role in helping out at school.
- Appointing school governors with good knowledge and a special interest in the
development of R.E. and the Catholic life of our school.
- Involving parents in the daily life of our school through; providing parental courses, parents meetings, open evenings, home visits (EYFS), home/school diaries, role play boxes and reading records.
- Actively encouraging our children to contribute to different yet relevant charities locally, nationally and globally.
The success of our school mission depends widely on everyone in our school community.
Everyone matters.