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Star of the Week

Congratulations Sophie! You have followed our school mission statement by serving, loving and learning with your peers. You are such a kind and good friend to everyone. You are helpful to others and always share. You work hard in class and have been such a big girl coming into school this week. Well done! I am so proud of you!

Congratulations Julia! You have followed the school rules and worked hard all week. You have been a kind friend and helpful to others! Well done! I am so proud of you!

Congratulations Georgia! You are always so helpful to others. You are a kind and caring friend and have worked so hard in all of your learning. You have demonstrated super listening skills this week. Well done! I am so proud you!

Congratulations James! You have tried so hard with your work all week. You play nicely with others, sharing and taking turns. You have listened well in class and made some super models from the lego blocks. Well done! I am so proud of you!

St Patricks St Maries