Home Page

Year 4N



Welcome to Year 4N's Class Page







General Information


Children are asked to bring their reading book and diary to school each day as this will enable me to provide a comment to inform you when Guided Reading sessions have taken place. Please spend time with your child discussing the setting, characters and development of plot to further their understanding of the text. Books are logged and children are encouraged to clearly note dates and pages read. Feedback from parents/carers is always greatly appreciated.




Homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned in the folder provided the following Friday. Weekly homework will include a Maths based activity to reinforce learning which has taken place during the week and a spelling activity. The children will be tested each Friday on the spelling words and they will be assessed each Monday on times table facts.




Sessions take place each Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure full P.E. kit is brought to school and that items are clearly labelled.

We are currently enjoying Gymnastics sessions with Ricky Brooks each Tuesday. He is teaching us to balance and roll with poise and control.

Swimming sessions will commence on Friday 24th April and will continue up to and including 22nd May.



Summer Topic



This term, we will focus on understanding geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom. We will compare Southport with Keswick. Children will have opportunities to use maps at different scales, relate photos to maps, study aerial views, look at ordnance survey map symbols and look at land use pattern and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time.



The Creative Geography Overview below features how subjects connect through this topic making it exciting and fun to study.




Summer Term Geography Creative Overview

Spring Geography Creative Overview

Our Class Trip to Mere Tun

Learning to play the violin with Mrs Reed

Design and Technology Project- Roman Treasure Boxes

Budding dancers learning to improvise

Our School and Eco Council 2014-15

St Patricks St Maries