Welcome to Mrs Shirley's Class
Hello and welcome to Reception S.
We are so excited to welcome both old and new faces to our St. Patrick's family and are looking forward to getting to know you and your children.
We have lots of exciting activities planned for the year ahead and you will not believe how your child grows and progresses throughout their first year at school.
Our Early Years Curriculum is based on learning through exploration and play. We access a variety of different activities in Reception to support us with our learning.
A typical day in Reception:
Our school day begins with Early Doors at 8.45am. Children are welcome to arrive anytime between 8.45am and 9am.
After registration and prayers, we are ready to start our Phonics lesson. We start by singing the alphabet song and each day we learn a new letter or sound. Then we practise our reading and writing skills at our tables. After our whole class learning, we have snack time before we go out to play. We have a healthy snack each day except on Friday's when we have a treat.
After playtime we take part in Maths activities, which can involve counting, singing, shape games, ICT, water play, sand play and measuring. We like to learn through fun, practical games and activities. Lunchtime begins at 11.35am. Most of us have hot dinners and some children bring in a packed lunch.
At 12.30pm we go back into class for our afternoon session. Each day we focus on different areas of the early years curriculum. Our activities can be linked to our Come and See topic, Show and Tell, Music, Knowledge & Understanding of the World or Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Circle Time Games). Our outdoor area is set up so that children can access activities both inside and out. We have a piece of fruit each afternoon as part of the free fruit scheme Healthy Schools Government initiative.
Each day we take part in Collective Worship and we enjoy learning about Jesus through our Come and See topics. We say prayers each morning, before and after lunch and before home time.
Before we go home, we like to finish our day with a story and sing songs.
General Information
The Reception newsletter is uploaded to this page each Monday evening and will contain information about our learning and how you can support your child at home. Please also check this page regularly for updates and photos.
Class Teddy
Our class teddy is called Bruno. He will go home with a different child each Friday and should be returned on the Monday. Bruno has a diary for your child to record their adventures in. This can be either written, drawn or a photo.
This term our P.E lessons will be on a Thursday morning. Please send your child to school in their full P.E kit. Children can wear wear plain navy leggings, joggers or shorts and trainers with a white t-shirt. The children must have their school jumper or cardigan to wear.
Snack money is £1 per week or £6 per half term.
Mrs Shirley - Class Teacher
Mrs Grant - PPA Cover (Wednesday)
Miss Mullan - Classroom Assistant
Please ensure all contact details are up to date at the office.
Our class email is RS@stpatricks.sefton.school for any non urgent communication.
Medical Conditions
If your child has any medical conditions we need to know about please inform us as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler or any other medication please ensure this is in school and in date.
Please ensure that all uniform, book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name.
Please see our Long and Medium Term Overviews below for further information on what we are learning about in school.
Parental Involvement
The Early Years curriculum is based on learning through play and exploration, There are a number of ways you can help your child to learn and make progress:
* Good attendance
* Home reading
* Point out numbers and letters in the environment
* Count at every opportunity
* Encourage your child to talk about the world around them.
Here at St. Patrick's, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Reading can be a special time for you and your child. Research has shown that reading for as little as 5 or 10 minutes each day can help support your child's educational development. We have a Lending Library located outside Mrs Shirley's classroom door for children and parents to borrow books to share at home and then return.
Well done to our amazing superstar Berry for raising £382.50 for Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Children's Charity Appeal. What an amazing achievement we are so proud of you!
This is our class Well Being Ambassador Lewi. At breaktimes he is a buddy for everyone in our class and helps his friends to join in games.
15th September 2023 Well done to Kiara for receiving the first Headteacher's Award! She embodies our Mission Statement each day with her kind, caring and hardworking attitude.
22nd September 2023 Well done to our superstar Polly for earning the Headteacher's Award for Helping Others this week. She is such a kind friend who is so caring and helpful.
29th September 2023 Wow! We are so proud of Peyton for earning the Headteacher Award this week for Reading. Peyton loves to curl up in a cosy corner looking at her favourite book.
5th October 2023 Well done to our superstar Edward for earning Headteacher's Award for Behaviour this week. Edward is an exemplary student with impeccable behaviour!
12th October 2023 Well done to Joshua for earning the Headteacher's Award this week for his contributions to our Collective Worship sessions. Joshua is always saying kind and thoughtful words!
3rd November 2023 Well done to Lucy for achieving the Headteacher's Award this week for friendship. Lucy is such a kind friend who is always helping others. What a star!
10th November 2023 Well done Darcy for earning the Headteacher's Award for super work in Maths this week! Darcy is such a hard worker and is always trying her best.
17th November 2023 Well done to Amelie for earning Headteacher's Award for Anti-Bullying Week. She is a lovely kind friend who always looks after all her classmates.
24th November 2023 Well done to Paisley for earning Headteacher's Award this week for Wider Curriculum. Paisley is always exploring and playing amazing imaginative games in class. She loves to learn about all kinds of different things. Well done!
1st December 2023 Well done to Thazveen our absolute superstar for earning Headteacher's Award for Resilience this week. He has shown an amazing positive attitude since starting school and works so hard. Well done!
8th December 2023 Well done to our amazing Harper for earning the Headteacher's Award this week. Harper you are a star who always tries her best!
15th December 2023 Well done to Grace for earning Headteacher's Award this week. You have really been working hard and trying your best - fabulous!
12th January 2024 Well done to our little star Berry for achieving Headteacher's Award this week for embracing our Mission Statement. Berry is a super ambassador for our school and strives with her fabulous attitude.
19th January 2024 Well done to our amazing Maisie for earning Headteacher's Award for reading this week! you are working so hard on your reading and are making amazing progress - well done!
26th January 2024 Well done to our fabulous Lewi for earning Headteacher's Award this week for courage. Lewi you are a superstar and a shining example to us all.
2nd February Well done to our superstar Albie for earning Headteacher's Award for handwriting this week. He has worked so hard on his handwriting this week. Well done Albie!
3rd May 2024 Well done to our PE star Harriett for earning Headteacher's Award this week. You always try your best and give everything your all!
Each week our class teddy Bruno is so lucky to spend the weekend with one of our children. He's having some amazing adventures: tea parties, playing video games and going to the swimming pool! Whatever will he get up to next!