Welcome to 5C!
A Very Warm Welcome from Mrs Court!
Can you believe we are now into the last half term of the year? I am very much looking forward to the final part of the summer term with 5C, building on from the fantastic experiences we have had so far this year! We have lots of exciting things planned (please check the dates you were sent via email for more details) so keep an eye out on the tabs at the bottom of this page for updates. As usual, if you need anything or have a question, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please note that we have a new PE day and Year 5 pupils now need to wear their PE kit to school on a Thursday.
Reading books and records have been sent home and will need to be brought in to school daily. Please engage in a range of books at home with your child as often as possible. In Year 5, we endeavour to promote a love for reading and encourage pupils to read many different fiction and non-fiction books so that pupils can learn what genres they love to read the most. Every time your child reads at home, please sign in the reading record so we can keep a log of different genres read. Thank you.
Maths, Reading and Spellings homework will now be set each Monday and be due in by the following Monday. Reading and homework tasks will be allocated on Purple Mash, while a weekly spelling tasks will be found on the VLE. House Points will be awarded for each activity completed so please help your child to set aside some time to complete these activities each week.
In Year 5, our PE for the first part of the summer term is Thursday. Please remember to send your child into school wearing their PE kit, including pumps/trainers and their school jumper on this day.
Please remember to send your child into school in the correct uniform, with long hair tied up. Please ensure your child wears sensible shoes and brings a coat.
Your child is welcome to bring in a healthy snack for their morning/afternoon break times.
In our English text, This Morning I Met a Whale by Michael Morpurgo, the boy in the story is tormented because the children in his class don't believe him when he writes a 'true story' about meeting and talking to a whale. We worked as a class to write him a letter to help him feel better!
Dear Michael,
We do believe you! Don’t listen to anyone else, it’s your truth. You need to have confidence, bravery and determination to continue to tell the whale’s story.
Have courage, stand up to the bullies and non-believers. Don’t let them stop you. You don’t put people down; you lift them, you are the strong one. Tell the world about the pollution, animal cruelty, poaching and killing. Remember, when it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars. So, keep going, never give up and reach for the stars.
Your friends and supporters, 5C.