Each year group has enjoyed the opportunity to visit Church during Lent to spend special time reflecting on how we can try to grow closer to God. Father John and Linda invited the children to decorate crosses for the Churches of St Patrick's and St Marie's and it is lovely to see the beautiful art work produced by each class.
Children have visited Church over the last couple of weeks, sharing Advent reflections with Fr John and Linda. These have been such special times for staff and children and have been thoroughly enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Fr John and Linda for giving their time so generously and creating these opportunities for our school family.
All our children visited Church on 2nd November 2021 to participate in a reflection linked to All Saints Day. Due to the current restrictions in place, children went to Church in Key Stages and enjoyed some special time with Fr John and Linda, listening to God’s Word and sharing songs and prayers. A huge thank you to Fr John and Linda for making this such a wonderful experience for children and staff.
During Lent 2021, each class visited church to spend time with Father John. The cross is a symbol of perfect love and we enjoyed making Easter crosses for our parishes.
Praying for our Parishioners
A kind gesture fills people's lives with joy and peace. This term, our KS2 pupils composed prayer hands to reach out to the sick and housebound parishioners in St Marie's and St Patrick's. Eucharistic Ministers visited their homes with the prayers and the response has been overwhelming.
Over the past few weeks, parishioners have sent prayer hands to school blessing the children as they continue their holy journey of faith.
We are fortunate to have so many special parishioners who support our school and who are keen to come in and share their valuable work with us.
This month, we invited Jim, a Eucharistic Minister to school and he explained his role within St Patrick's Parish to the pupils in Year 4. Sharon Williams, a Catechist who helps to prepare many of the pupils for their Holy Communion talked to the classes about the Sunday Liturgy and the WYA Programme. Many interesting questions were asked and we are now keen to record our new learning and continue to embrace the wonderful work Jim and Sharon do each week at Mass in helping us to deepen our faith and understanding.
During the Autumn Term, we have continued to strengthen links with our parish. Many children in Year 4 have been keen to read at Mass and serve for Fr John on Sundays.
Each class produces a display based on a Come and See theme/liturgical celebration for the Narthex in church and many parishioners have expressed how lovely it is to see the children's work.
We have created a Prayer Tree for church and children have written special prayers on hearts. Together, we pray for loved ones who are sick and ask our Father in heaven to give them comfort and rest.
In the Spring term we invite parishioners into school to enjoy afternoon tea and to watch a class assembly. This year our guests enjoyed Year 4N's assembly on 'Giving and Receiving'.
Afterwards the children served homemade cakes and tea whilst chatting with our guests. As they were leaving the children presented bunches of daffodils.
Members of our parishes, St.Patrick's and St.Marie's are also invited along to our Christmas productions.