Home Page

Year 3H

smileyWelcome to 3Hsmiley



Welcome back to the Summer Term! We have a busy term ahead with lots of exciting topics planned which I know the children will enjoy.


General Information



Please let the school office know if your contact details have changed in the event we need to get in touch with you.



We encourage all children to read for 20 minutes each night - independently or to an adult. In the classroom, we will be reading each week to our friends and teachers. Please feel free to read school books alongside your children's favourites at home! Please keep your child’s reading book and reading record in their bags so that they are accessible throughout the week.



Homework will be set online on the VLE every Monday from 4.30pm. Please encourage your child to complete the weekly tasks as well as reading each night.



The children will be tested on their spellings the following Monday. The spelling test will be in a mixed order.


Times tables

Making sure that the children can quickly recall their times table facts will really help with their learning in Years 3 and 4. The following websites will help the children do this, at their own pace, and in a fun way.

Purple Mash (children have their own login details)



This half term, our P.E. lessons will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday (with Swimming on Thursdays). Please send your child to school in their full PE kit. In colder temperatures, your child is welcome to wear joggers / leggings to keep them warm. Your child must have their school jumper or cardigan, no hoodies, please.



The children are welcome to bring a snack to school for morning and afternoon breaks. Please ensure that these snacks are healthy!


Medical Conditions

A quick reminder! If your child has a medical condition that we need to know about, please inform us as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler or any other medication, please make sure it has been returned to school and is not out of date.


Miss Hart

Science Day Fun!

Still image for this video

Special Visit from the Dog’s Trust

We have had lots of fun in Science, dissecting daffodils to learn about the parts of a flower...

3H's Garden.. we have been busy creating our own garden outside our classroom by planting some plants from our recent science investigation to celebrate Spring! Please feel free to add to our garden if the children would like to bring anything in so we can watch it grow. Watch out for the sunflower race we are having!

We have spent time together discussing our very own class behaviour policy, which we would like to share with you....

Curriculum Overview 2022-2023

We have been having a great time making smoothies in DT!

World Book Day

Performance Poetry

Football in PE

Researching the Church's special seasons in Computing

St Patricks St Maries