Timetable for the week- 22.2.21
English |
Maths |
Topic |
Monday |
Reading Comprehension (Purple Mash) & SPaG |
Times tables |
Geography- The Earth’s Core |
PSHE – It’s Good to be Me! |
Tuesday |
SPaG- Subordinate Clauses |
Fractions |
Science- The impact on habitats |
French- En Famille- Mon, Ma or Mes? |
Newspaper Reports Identifying features |
Fractions |
Come and See- The Eucharist |
P.E.- Joe Wicks |
Thursday |
Newspaper Reports Identifying features |
Fractions |
Computing- Online Safety |
Music- Pulse and Rhythm |
Friday |
Newspaper Reports Headlines |
Fractions |
Art- A study of Claude Monet |
P.E. Online session from Neil (P.E. coach) |
Dear Parents/carers,
Please find below, a general overview for next week. Each day, I will email and post detailed instructions for your child to read and follow, to help them complete the work set.
Timetable for the week- 08.02.21
English |
Maths |
Topic |
Monday |
Spellings & Reading Comprehension on Purple Mash |
Times tables |
Geography *Zoom call presenting research |
PSHE- Going for Goals |
Tuesday |
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
Measure- Area |
Computing- Safer Internet Day |
French- En Familie |
Wednesday *Zoom call |
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
Measure- Area |
Science- Living things and their habitats |
P.E. Joe Wicks |
Thursday |
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
Measure- Area |
Come and See – Sacramental Topic - Eucharist |
Music – Rhythm & Pulse |
Friday |
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar |
Measure- Area |
Design and Technology- Designing a soup tin |
P.E. Online session from Neil (P.E. coach) |
Dear Parents/carers,
Please find below, a general overview for next week. Each day, I will email and post detailed instructions for your child to read and follow, to help them complete the work set.
Timetable for the week- 01.02.2021
English |
Maths |
Topic |
Monday |
Planning a story |
Maths-Times tables *Maths Zoom (teaching division strategies) |
Geography- Settlements |
PSHE- Going for Goals |
Tuesday |
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters- Writing the beginning of a story. |
Dividing a two-digit number by 1-digit |
Science- Living things and their habitats (invertebrates) |
French- En Familia |
Wednesday |
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters- Writing the middle of a story. *English Zoom |
Dividing a two-digit number by 1-digit |
Come and See Community (Reflection) |
P.E. Joe Wicks |
Thursday |
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters- Writing the ending of a story. |
Dividing a two-digit number by 1-digit |
Computing- Welcome to the Web |
Music – Rhythm & Pulse |
Friday |
Editing writing and oral story telling |
Dividing a two-digit number by 1-digit |
Design and Technology- Making Soup |
P.E. Online session from Neil (P.E. coach) |
Please find below, a general overview for next week. Each day, I will email and post detailed instructions for your child to read and follow, to help them complete the work set.
Timetable for the week- 25.01.21
English |
Maths |
Topic |
Monday |
Reading Comprehension / Spellings (Zoom) |
Maths-Times tables |
Geography- Settlements |
PSHE- Going for Goals |
Tuesday |
English- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters – Comparing the characters |
Maths- Multiply 3-digits by 1 digit |
Science- Living things and their habitat |
French |
Wednesday |
English- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters – Character Description |
Maths- Divide 2 digits by 1 digit |
Come and See Community |
P.E. Joe Wicks |
Thursday |
English- SPaG – Speech Marks |
Maths- Divide 2 digits by 1 digit |
Computing- Welcome to the Web |
Music |
Friday |
English- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters – Conversation |
Maths- Divide 2 digits by 1 digit |
Design and Technology- Food |
P.E. Online session from Neil (P.E. coach) |
Home Learning - 18.01.21
Dear Parents/carers,
Please find below, a general overview for next week. Each day, I will email and post detailed instructions for your child to read and follow, to help them complete the work set.
Timetable for the week- 18.01.21
English |
Maths |
Topic |
Monday |
Reading Comprehension / Spellings (Zoom) |
Multiplication strategies |
Geography- Settlements |
PSHE- Going for Goals |
Tuesday |
English- SPaG Based |
Multiplication strategies |
Science- Living things and their habitat |
French |
Wednesday |
English- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters (Reading to writing) |
Multiplication strategies |
Come and See Community |
P.E. Joe Wicks |
Thursday |
English- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters (Reading to writing) |
Multiplication strategies |
Computing- Welcome to the Web |
Music |
Friday |
English- Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters (Reading to writing) |
Multiplication strategies |
P.E. & Design Technology- Food |
P.E. Online session from Neil (P.E. coach) |
Please find below, a general overview for next week. Each day, I will email/post detailed instructions for your child to read and follow, to help them complete the work set.
Timetable for the week- 11.01.21
English |
Maths |
Topic |
Monday |
Reading Comprehension, Spelling and dictation |
Multiplication and Division |
Geography- Settlements |
Tuesday |
Writing- Poetry |
Multiplication and Division |
Science- Animals Including Humans |
Wednesday |
Writing- Poetry |
Multiplication and Division |
Come and See- Community |
Thursday |
Writing- Poetry |
Multiplication and Division |
Computing- Welcome to the Web |
Friday |
Writing- Poetry |
Multiplication and Division |
P.E. & Design Technology- Where food comes from |
Hi 4G,
I have uploaded your tasks onto the VLE along with an email. I know that some of you are having difficulty accessing the VLE so I have also uploaded a copy of your activities on here. If you can, please try and upload your work onto the VLE.
Have fun,
Mrs Garlick