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Year 1S

Welcome to 1S with Mrs Hosker


Welcome back! I hope that you had a lovely Easter break. I am looking forward to continuing to enjoy a great year filled with fun and learning as we explore new books in English and different topics across the curriculum. Please find more information below about our curriculum planning, along with photos and posts about our learning. These will be updated regularly so please look at the photos and information about how your child is learning in Year 1.


Class email: Please feel free to email should you have any questions or you wish to share some news about your child. Please let us know if your contact details have changed.


Labelling:  We have numerous jumpers and cardigans without labels and it is incredibly helpful if you could please add your children's name to these items. Can you also ask your child to carry their water bottle into school rather than place it inside their book bags. Thank you for your ongoing support.


PE: This term, our PE lessons will be on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please send your child to school in their full PE kit. On Friday, children are taking part in Net and Ball games with PDS.


Our Learning: During this half term, the children will be continuing their learning of Phase 5 phonics as well as recapping their phonics knowledge on previously taught graphemes and applying this knowledge in their reading and writing. This half-term in English, we will learn to write instructions and continue our learning in writing narratives, using conjunctions and sequenced sentences. Our focused texts will be ‘How to catch a star’ by Oliver Jeffers and ‘The Enourmous Turnip’ by Katie Daynes. Children will continue to focus on using capital letters and full stops as they complete various written pieces. We will continue to use our phonics knowledge to support us with our writing skills. In maths, we will be learning about multiplication and division as we look at multiples of 2, 5 and 10. We will also explore fractions and position and direction in Geometry.


We will start a new History unit about Explorers and consider the big question-Where have humans explored? Children will continue their learning about the past as they use historical vocabulary and connections from the past to develop their knowledge and skills. They will study people and events and identify similarities and differences between time periods of various explorers. In Science, we are starting a new topic on plants. Children will develop scientific knowledge and skills as they learn about wild and garden plants. They will develop skills as they classify and compare plants and also look at the structure of basic plants. In Design and Technology, we will start a food unit as we look at different fruits and use a range of skills to design, create and evaluate the process needed to make a fruit kebab. In Computing, children will continue to practise logging onto Purple Mash and using the computer to complete various activities linked to the topic of Animated Stories. 


Our physical education lessons will take place every Wednesday and Friday this half-term. Children should continue to come into school wearing their P.E. clothes with a school jumper or cardigan and appropriate footwear. Our lessons this term will focus on Net and Ball Games and Athletics. Both lessons will focus on children developing their range of physical skills as well their ability to work together, building their emotional skills. As part of our Religious Studies, we will be learning about Holidays and Holy Days, progressing to a topic about Being Sorry. In Music this half term, children are continuing to develop their singing and ability to use musical instruments as they will take part in a unit called Having Fun with Improvisation . As part of our learning in PSHE, children will learn about the concepts of privacy and recognising that their bodies are their own. They will also explore and take part in activities linked to our No Outsiders theme based on building their understanding about how their bodies work in different ways.


Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child's medical needs changes at all or they require an inhaler, or any other medicine, please let us know and we will support your child to endure that their medical needs are met.



Two reading books will still be sent home each Monday. It is very important to support your child's reading so please spend time sharing and listening to stories read by them. Every week, an online reading book will be allocated on Active Learn.  Please send your children’s Reading Record book into school each day.



This half-term, children will learn the spellings of particular word banks linked to their learning of phonics and common exception or irregular words. Every Monday, they will be allocated to your child using their Purple Mash account.



Please remember that £6 is due at the beginning of every half term to pay for your child's snack. Children receive a fruit snack in the morning break and in the afternoon, we provide a variety of healthy snacks throughout the week and a treat on Friday.


If you have chosen not to participate in the snack scheme and wish to provide a snack instead please ensure that it is a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar. 



When you spend time listening and supporting your child with their reading skills, this supports not only their early reading skills but also helps them to develop an interest in reading which builds upon key skills for future development. Please continue to read at least three times a week with your child at home. There is also regular work set on Purple Mash for children to complete based on consolidating their skills in various subjects across the curriculum. You will find your child’s log in details inside their Reading record.


Long Term Overview 2023-2024

What will children learn about in Year 1 across the academic year?

Forest School Club

Learning in Spring Term 2

Advent Reflection in Church

PE medal

Special Days at St.Patrick’s School.

St Patricks St Maries