Welcome to 1W
Welcome to the second half of the spring term. We hope you have all had a lovely half term break with your family and friends.
Castles will continue to be the topic of learning, yet this half term will take on a Geography focus and will involve the children exploring good locations for castles and considering the geographical features of the environment. In English, we will be exploring books by M.P. Robertson and the children will be contrasting and comparing books by the same author. Maths will continue with addition and subtraction within 50 before moving on to our new topic of measurement.
Reading Books
The children will continue to be given three reading books at a time. Please try to read each day with your child, even if it is only a couple of pages, and note this down in their reading record, along with any comments you wish to add-it is always lovely for us to hear how the children's reading is coming along at home. We will change your child's reading books once you have signed to say all three books are completed. During and after completion of each book, please spend time discussing the setting, characters and key words from the story to further your child's understanding of the text. Each child now has a 'Tricky Word' bookmark at home containing a list of words which are not phonetically plausible. Please could you support your child to read through these words regularly.
Children are asked to bring their books into school on a daily basis as this will enable us to write a comment in their Reading Diary when they have taken part in either Guided or Individual reading.
Our class have P.E. on a Tuesday and Wednesday each week. Please ensure your child has their full, named P.E. kit in school on these days.
Please ensure that all items of school uniform, especially school cardigans and jumpers are named so that if they are left behind, we can return them to the correct owners.
Our healthy snack scheme will continue this half term. If your child is taking part in the scheme please ensure that you send in their money every Monday, or at the beginning of each half term/term to enable your child to receive a snack each afternoon. The cost of the snack scheme is £1 per week or £6 for the half term. Many thanks.
Year 1 Long Term Overview
Year 1 Creative Overview - Toys
Year 1 Creative Overview-Hot and Cold.
Year 1 Creative Overview-Castles
Come and See - Eucharist: Meals.
To celebrate the end of our Come and See topic (Eucharist - Meals) the children recreated The Last Supper. They portrayed Jesus' last words and actions beautifully. This week, in our Come and See lessons, the children have been retelling all they have learnt through the topic, such as the special people they like to share meals with, the Sacrament of Holy Communion and how this symbolises the body and blood of Jesus, and the story of The Last Supper.
Our Maths lessons this week focussed on length and height. To begin the week the children used non standard forms of measurement and measured objects in the classroom to identify which were shorter, longer and taller. By the end of the week the children were measuring in centimetres, using rulers! A fantastic job 1W!
We love our music lessons in class! The children have been finding the rhythm and pulse in different types of music, through body movements and using instruments.
We had a lovely day today sharing our favourite books! This morning, in our computing lesson, the children drew the front cover of their book and typed a sentence or two about it. This afternoon, we shared our books with each other in class. Happy World Book Day!
The sun shined on us for our lovely walk to church this morning. It was such a treat to take the children to meet with Father John. He sang with the children and chatted to them about our current Come and See topic 'Special People.' It was a pleasure to hear our own little special people talking to Father John and asking him questions.
Christ the King Multi Sports
Both Year 1 classes had a fantastic time at Christ the King High School. They worked well in teams and were super ambassadors for St Patrick's.
The first multi skills session after school with Neil was a great success! The children were having a fantastic time and learning new skills.
P.E. Gymnastics.
The children have been really enjoying their gymnastic lessons! Last week we were practising travelling and stopping using narrow and wide movements.
Come and See-Special People
Our new topic for Come and See is Special People. In class, the children have been thinking about the special people in their lives and special people who help us in our community. We have been thinking about what makes a person special? The children listed qualities such as being kind, helpful, living like Jesus, sharing and caring and loving each other.
The Children worked very hard practising their lines and singing for the Nativity. They really enjoyed performing for their families and friends. What super actors and singers we have in Year 1!
The children have had a very busy start to the second half of the term. In Maths we have been learning our number bonds to 10, and addition. We have been practising using cubes, ten frames, our fingers and we even set up a sweet shop to find pairs of sweets which could be bought for 10 pence.
The children have enjoyed learning new skills on the computers. They have been practising mouse control; dragging and dropping items, and minimising and restoring pages. They have also enjoyed using the Bee-Bots.
The children have been learning about Remembrance this week. On Monday, we observed a one minute silence in class. The children learnt facts about Remembrance day and the symbol of the poppy. They created their own poppy collage and generated fantastic writing.
The children have been very busy in Science! In class, we have been tracking the changes in the weather and the children have been recording the associated data. We enjoyed a 'crafty afternoon' last week-the children painted autumn trees and created a hedgehog collage. This week, our learning has moved on to animal classification. The children identified animals which are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and created a Venn diagram.
Our time in Year 1 so far...
Science. Exploring our sense of hearing!
Maths. Grouping and Sorting.
Sorting by colour and objects.
Problem solving-greater than and less than.
Enjoying P.E in the sunshine.