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The focus for this half term is the theme 'No Outsiders'. We enjoyed listening to the story 'And Tango Makes three', which prompted discussions about how all families are different! We discussed how we should respect all different families and celebrate our differences. We have since discussed various scenarios for why families may change, and given advice to children in different circumstances. 5J have shown how mature and respectful they are through these discussions.

Our first day back as a whole class since the latest lockdown has been a fun, positive and enjoyable one! We've focussed on settling back into school, catching up with friends and sharing our experiences of lockdown learning - whether that was at home or school or a mixture of the two! Here we are, chatting away, creating an artistic free-for-all of our last 8 weeks and sharing our experiences. We have also discussed our feelings!

Discussing our emotions, the first activity of the day!

We discussed what we expect of each other while we are in school. Here is the list of what we decided on!

Our art free-for-all!

3 minute challenges: why do them? Fun, perseverance, challenging, concentration, working with others, working independently, skills, thinking, positivity!

Anti-Bullying Week: Odd Socks Day. Raising awareness of the importance of celebrating our differences!

Anti-Bullying Week: working hard on showing how we will play our own part in being 'United Against Bullying'

Hello Yellow Day :) At a time when it’s needed most, we came together for Hello Yellow Day to support young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day. Yes we wore yellow, but more importantly we wore a smile :) We discussed how it's ok not to be ok, and how to deal with our emotions. We focussed on the importance of doing things to make ourselves happy and the importance of positive thinking. Here we are with huge smiles...

...and a few silly faces as well as smiles!

Today we listened to ‘My name is not Refugee’ by Kate Milner. This is a story about a young boy and his mother who migrate from a country that is unsafe. They travel a long way and encounter many different experiences.

We discussed the transformation that happens throughout their journey and the problems the boy would probably experience. We also suggested solutions to some of these problems, including what we would do if the boy became a member of our class.


  • Living in a dangerous place
  • Moving countries
  • Being unsure of what to do
  • No other family
  • No friends
  • Lack of food
  • Unfamiliar foods
  • New language
  • Unknown people/strangers
  • Having to try new things

5J came up with so many fantastic ideas for what we would do to help, here is just a selection of these:

  • Smile and ask if he needs any help (Isla and Emilia)
  • Have faith that he will make friends (Lucas and Daniel)
  • Treat him like one of us so that he can fit in (Jack, Abel and Adam)
  • Help him with his homework (Annaliese and Aimee)
  • Be his friend (Jayden and Harry)
  • Help him to make new memories here (Mollie and Saffi)
  • Sit with him at lunch time (Leo)
  • Help him achieve things (Ethan and Matthew)
  • Don’t make him feel rejected (Joseph and Carlos)
  • Encourage him so that he feels like he belongs (Theresa and Amelia)
  • Make him feel like he’s allowed to be heard (Lauren and Emily)
  • Share memories of our school (Aiden and Philip)
  • Respect his personal space (Chloe and Lewis)

This week we have focussed on emotions - how to manage our emotions and how to act accordingly in different situations. Here we are sharing our ideas with our groups before presenting our ideas to the class!

We have been discussing our strengths, our qualities, our talents and our gifts. 5J have described ourselves as...

St Patricks St Maries