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Year 1S

Welcome to 1S’ Class Page

Welcome back to the summer term! We hope you have all had a lovely Easter break. Our learning this term will be on Great Explorers.


We will begin this half term with a history focus and the children will learn about different explorers, including Ibn Battuta, Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, Matthew Henson and Felicity Aston. They will learn about their explorations, including the different modes of transport they used, and their achievements. They will also compare explorations undertaken in different periods of time.


The children’s learning will then move to a geography focus, wherein they will find out about our locality, including physical and human features. We will be exploring simple map work and the children will be drawing their own maps.


Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date.



Every Monday, the children will receive two reading books in their book bag and one book online. Please try to read each day with your child, even if it is only a couple of pages, and note this down in their Reading Record, along with any comments you wish to add. When supporting your child’s reading, please spend time discussing the setting, characters and key words from the story to further their understanding of the text. 


Please try to send your child’s book bag into school each day if you can, as this will enable us to note in their Reading Record when they have read with a member of our Year 1 team.


Jumpers, Cardigans and Water Bottles

Please remember to clearly label all jumpers and cardigans and ensure your child brings a bottle of water to school each day.



Thank you so much for the prompt slip returns and payments. It is very much  appreciated. Children receive a fruit snack in the morning break and in the afternoon, we provide a variety of healthy snacks throughout the week and a treat on Friday.


If you have chosen not to participate in the snack scheme and wish to provide a snack instead please ensure that it is a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar and that it does not contain any nuts. 



I am so proud of how well the children have been doing in their weekly spelling tests.  They will continue to receive a spelling list each Monday linked to the sounds they have been learning that week. Keep up the great work!


This term, Year 1 have P.E. every Thursday. Your child may wear their P.E. kit to school, along with their school cardigan or jumper. For your child’s safety, and the safety of others, please ensure that your child is not wearing any jewellery, and earrings should either be removed or covered with plasters upon arrival at school.


Thank you and if you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Miss Stevenson

Phonics Parents Information

Phonics Bug Demo

Still image for this video

Barvember - Maths problem solving

Remembrance Day Collages

Mission Statement Day

St Patricks St Maries