Welcome to Year 5J's Class Page J
General Information
Unbelievably, we are well into the summer term now! Although times are constantly changing at the moment, we will always aim to maintain continuity and stability with our pupils' wellbeing and academic learning. It as been amazing to have all of 5J together recently. Please note our current PE day is Tuesday. Here are a few points for you to remind yourselves of. Please see the links at the bottom of the page for the up-to-date curriculum maps and subject overviews to see what we will be up to this term/year. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me
5J are welcome to read any of the books from the classroom book corner in school. Children are now allowed to bring in books from home, as long as they stay in school until they are complete (ie they don't go back and forth between home and school on a daily basis). Please continue to hear your child read and discuss books with them as regularly as possible too. A reading record will be kept in school but will not need to be completed at home.
Children are invited to bring their own snacks to be eaten during morning or afternoon break times. Snacks should be a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar. Chocolate bars and crisps are not considered to be healthy snacks.
Homework will be assigned on the VLE every Monday and needs to be uploaded when completed by the following Monday please. Each week, there will be spellings and Maths homework for Year 5. Please also help your child to practise their mental maths skills regularly, including times tables as well as other random maths calculations.
P.E. sessions take place each Tuesday for this half term. Please ensure your child wears their full P.E. kit to school every Tuesday. Children will no longer be getting changed, so no P.E. Kits need to be brought into school. Please remember to send your child in appropriate footwear (pumps or trainers) as well as their school jumper/cardigan and coat when necessary. Thank you.