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Year 6S


smileyWelcome to Year 6Ssmiley


Welcome back, I hope you've all had restful spring break  and are ready for some more exciting new learning opportunities as we complete our final half term in Year 6. 


Although this may feel like the end of an era, we have 6 and a half fabulous weeks left together which we are going to make the most of!!


Please continue to check our page for regular curriculum updates and photographs. smiley


Mrs Garlick!  



Please let school know if any of your contact details have changed (phone number, email, addresses) in the event we need to call home or contact you.



Homework will be sent home every Monday and will consist of the following:

  • 1 Arithmetic Assessment
  • Purple Mash spelling quiz (online) and LCCWS sheet
  • 1 SPAG task.
  • Please encourage your child/ren to complete their homework every week, as well as reading each night (approximately 20-30mins).


Completing homework on time, in an organised and structured way are excellent habits to encourage, which will prepare children for high school and form a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.

If your child is finding homework a challenge, please don’t hesitate to let me know. smiley


General Information


This half term, our PE lessons will take place on Mondays with Mrs Grant and Thursdays, swimming with Mrs G! The children will wear their PE kits to school on that day.  Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit – branded shorts etc are not part of school uniform.  On cooler days, the children may wear jogging bottoms, but they must still wear their school cardigan or jumper – no hoodies.



Please ensure that all school uniform is labelled with your child's name. Your child will be expected to wear their winter uniform until 29th March 2024. 



A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date. 



As we are a ‘Healthy School’ we would like to remind parents that a healthy snack at playtime is encouraged. Please don’t send any chocolate or sweets into school as a snack.


Our 'Sefton' Superstar!



Noah is an incredible member of 6S; he's kind, caring and an exceptionally hardworking pupil. Taking on the role of St. Patrick's football captain, Noah has already shown us his incredible sportsmanship, talent and team spirit. 

Over the last few weeks, Noah has attended some very competitive football trials for Sefton. Only 18 spaces were available and we were delighted to hear that Noah has secured a place in their team. 

Playing football at district level is a fantastic achievement, Noah. We are all incredibly proud of you and we will be behind you every step of the way. heart

Keep smashing life, Noah!! laugh

Wally Cain 2024: We are so proud of our dancers who shone during this year's contemporary dance performance.

Year 6 SATs Information 2024

What will Year 6's curriculum look like this academic year?

What will our curriculum look like in the summer?

What will our Maths objectives look like in the summer term?

Which areas of the curriculum will 6S be focusing on ?

What will our Maths objectives look like in the Spring term?

Which areas of the curriculum will Year 6 be focusing on in the autumn term?

Which Maths objectives will Year 6 be covering in the first half of the autumn term?

What will behaviour look like in Year 6S?

St Patricks St Maries